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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Thailand Chapter

The purpose of the CCLS Thailand Chapter is to create a CCLS community in Thailand organised by alumni, for alumni. The group will facilitate professional networking and socialising opportunities, bringing together alumni from different years and specialisms together. 

The Thailand Chapter is looking for willing Committee members to help organise a programme of activities. If you are interested in being on the Committee, please get in touch

A launch welcome event will be organised online in the coming months.

Chapter events organised by the committee are advertised on the CCLS Alumni Events page. Updates on recent events which have taken place can be accessed from the past event listings.

Please join the Chapter to ensure you are updated about events and activities. As well as the LinkedIn group there will be another social media mechanism set up soon which will probably be online.


I have learned so many things and made so many friends at Queen Mary. My time was filled with memorable events and people. Let's join the LinkedIn Group to meet with other alumni, to re-connect with our beloved university, and to create our community here in Thailand. See you on LinkedIn :)
— Chayaphol Suphachatwong, Intellectual Property Law LLM, 2012
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