Enik Pogace (2008)
Enik studied European Law and is now Head of Employee Relations Division at the Central Bank of Albania.

Why did you choose to study at CCLS?
When awarded a Chevening scholarship to study in the UK, one of the few goals I had at the time was to study at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS). My determination was based on the reputed outstanding quality of education offered there and besides, CCLS had an excellent standing in the area of EU and commercial law which was one of my major academic interests at the time.
What is your favourite memory of being a CCLS student?
Whilst at CCLS, I found myself fascinated with both the academics as well as its diverse student body which offered plenty of opportunities to interact with people from different legal and social backgrounds. Indeed, I quickly plunged into postgraduate life, working hard on studies, signing up for extracurricular activities, as well as enjoying London. Studying at CCLS was definitely an invaluable experience, professionally and personally. The wide-ranging curriculum and intensive coursework expanded my knowledge of EU law dynamics, while the numerous papers and one-on-one advisory sessions with some of the finest professors enhanced my analytical and drafting competencies. Whereas the very inspiring professors challenged and encouraged me to go the extra mile in my academic studies, the enthusiastic and creative environment among the students on campus was an invaluable addition to my London experience. The international make-up of CCLS provided a unique opportunity to learn how to interact in a multicultural setting, to draw a benefit from other perspectives and learn about different parts of the world.
What does being a member of the CCLS community mean to you?
CCLS prepared me for my career by providing a strong professional foundation through exposure to new ideas, information, academics and alumni from a variety of backgrounds, which helped me to properly assess the variety of options that existed for me when I left the Centre.
How did your CCLS experience contribute to your career?
After leaving CCLS, I joined the Central Bank of Albania, where I started to apply the analytical legal problem solving techniques I developed during my studies. I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my career after my postgraduate studies. I began to work as a legal expert for the Bank, in charge of EU legal aspects of banking regulation, which was a good fit for my strengths, i.e., appreciating and analysing the complete legal framework on banking and financial issues at stake. Within a year I became head of the EU integration office and then deputy director of the foreign relations department of the Bank. I was charged with planning and monitoring the EU integration processes, coordination of activities related to EU integration on an institutional basis, preparation of analytical reports on banking legislation as well as providing background information and updates on the banking sector to EU institutions. Implementation of such activities and legal initiatives has been a monumental undertaking as they would have a significant impact on many entities, not to mention our citizens.
Why do you think prospective students should study at CCLS?
My central advice to prospective CCLS students is to be open to unexpected opportunities that might not be part of the plan that they have set for themselves. Plans may change and it’s important to be flexible, since you will most likely not get the dream job right out of school. You may even need to try different lines of work, before discovering what the dream job is. However, the excellent education at CCLS, participation in student groups, as well as seeking to get involved in campus activities, or later through the alumni community, will surely result in an outstanding preparation for the job market. You will likely make friends that you will have for life, in addition to contacts that you may one day call on for business.
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