CCLS Contact US
The School of Law is on two sites: the Postgraduate Law Centre, the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, is at Lincoln's Inn Fields; the Department of Law is on the Mile End campus.
School of Law - Postgraduate Law Centre
Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS)
Queen Mary University of London,
67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields,
London WC2A 3JB
Opening times: 08:45am–20:30pm
Building Reception
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8100
Programme enquiry desk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8223
Staff Contact Lists
Use these links to see a full list of staff roles and contact numbers.
- CCLS Academic staff list
- School of Law (CCLS and Department of Law) Academic staff list
- Professional Services staff list
Useful Links
- Journey Planner on the Transport for London website
- Bus and Tube maps