Arbitration Myths and Realities: A View from Latin America
When: Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: CCLS, Room 3.1, Queen Mary, University of London, 69 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A

A fireside chat on the evolving landscape of international arbitration, with a focus on Latin America.
- Luis Miguel Velarde Saffer, Counsel at Lalive LLP in Geneva
- Lukas Montoya, Senior Associate at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler in Geneva
Our speakers discussed arbitration practice in the region, how it has transformed in recent decades and whether arbitration proceedings involving Latin America and the Global South differ from those in other regions.
Also, based on their individual practices as counsel and arbitrator, our speakers offered valuable insights into the extent to which counsel tailor their arguments and more generally the way in which they plead their case to individual arbitrators, and to what extent arbitrators account for and respond to this strategy.
Looking ahead, our speakers shared their visions for the next decade, exploring how their roles and the arbitration market may evolve in response to rapidly developing technologies, among others.