London Financial Regulation Seminar: Organisational culture and bank risk
When: Monday, May 17, 2021, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online
This event has been co-organised by the Institute of Banking & Finance Law and the Institute of Regulation and Ethics.
Join us as Katrien Morbee (Queen Mary University of London) welcomes Joel Suss (Bank of England) and David Bholat (Bank of England) as they bring together multiple unobtrusive sources of data to quantify bank culture, overcoming the limitations of survey-based approaches.
Using this data, they find robust evidence of a substantive link between culture and riskiness – banks with organisational cultures two standard deviations below the average are expected to have a c.50% increased risk of failure.
Costanza Russo (Queen Mary University of London) will commence the Q&A and open it up to the public.
About the Speakers
Joel Suss is a research data scientist in the Bank of England’s Advanced Analytics division. His research focuses on microprudential regulation, in particular using non-traditional data sources and methodologies to better understand and predict bank riskiness.
David Bholat is Senior Manager at the Bank of England in the Advanced Analytics Division, its centre of excellence in data science he helped to establish. He has published research on various central banking and financial services topics including in the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Journal of Banking Regulation and the Oxford Review of Economic Policy (forthcoming).
Please register above and you will be sent a Zoom link to access the event the day before it takes place.