QMIPRI Annual Conference 2023: Intellectual Property and Sustainable Living
When: Thursday, September 14, 2023 - Friday, September 15, 2023, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU

Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, in collaboration with the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, presents a two-day research conference investigating the crucial and divergent narratives on the role of intellectual property law and theory in promoting a sustainable world.
The conference took take place over two days with each day being centered around a specific theme. The themes covered the following: sustainability of fashion; status of the draft WIPO Treaty on Traditional Knowledge & TCEs; branding & sustainability; access to scientific journals; text and data mining; the role of AI; patents in a sustainable world; rights for indigenous and local communities; geographical indications, copyright, culture and heritage; green technologies & patents. The conference held a posters and networking day providing early career researchers an opportunity to participate and explore the diversity of issues and careers within the IP professional and research spheres.
Our keynotes speakers were:
- Heli Pihlajamaa (European Patent Office)
- Ruth Okediji (Jeremiah Smith. Jr, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and Co-Director of the Berkman Klein Center)
- Wend Wendland (Director, WIPO Traditional Knowledge Division)
Poster exhibition
During the conference there was a research poster exhibition.
Our poster display was a valuable opportunity to share with colleagues and experts around the world your insights on intellectual property law and sustainable living and to network with researchers and professionals. The competition was open to all early career researchers, including LLM and PhD students.
Selected posters were displayed at the Senate House during the conference for all attendees to view and learn from. Poster authors had the opportunity to present their posters to peers. These sessions were organised during the break to ensure no one misses out on any of the main programme.
Prizes was awarded for the QMIPRI Best Poster (£300) and Best Green Poster (£200). Winners were announced at the end of the conference.
Please find the schedule for the conference below:
QMIPRI Conference 2023 Programme [PDF 1,861KB]
Please find the photo gallery from the conference below: with thanks to Gary Schwartz Photography