The ethical dimension of AI regulation
When: Monday, February 22, 2021, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Online
*Please note this event is for Queen Mary University of London students and staff only*
Mikael Down is Executive Director for Assessment and Insights at the Banking Standards Board, where he leads the BSB’s assessment, policy, behavioural economics and data science teams, and is a member of the Board. Mikael started his career at the Treasury, where he worked in several policy roles before being seconded to the UK’s Permanent Representation in Brussels. On return to the Treasury, he led post-crisis reforms on bank resolvability and ring-fencing, before being appointed Deputy Director for financial sanctions, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing and Head of the UK Delegation to the Financial Action Task Force. In 2013, Mikael joined the Financial Conduct Authority, where he was responsible for leading a major programme of governance reforms in banking, until leaving to join the BSB in 2015. Mikael has an MA in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and is studying part-time for a PhD in ethics and artificial intelligence. He is an Honorary Lecturer at Queen Mary University London, Trustee at the Finance Innovation Lab, and Fellow at the Forward Institute.
Mikael Down will be discussing the ways in which AI is being applied in banking and discover some of the ethical issues that may occur. Examining this in the context of how banking is changing, and draw lessons from the financial crisis, in particular focusing on professionalism and organisational culture.