Dr Rafael Leal-Arcas invited to act as Chair at the 14th annual conference on Emerging Research in Human Rights
Dr Rafael Leal-Arcas will act as Chair at the 14th Annual Conference on Emerging Human Rights Research in the Panel titled ‘Human Rights in EU Development, Trade and Investment Policies,’ School of Advanced Studies, University of London, London, UK, 9-10 September 2013.
This panel seeks to address (i) whether human rights have consistently been applied and integrated into EU development policies (the case of the Human Rights-based approach to development); (ii) whether the recent reforms of EU trade agreements (FTAs) and incentive schemes (GSP, GSP+, EBA) have effectively redressed the concerns above; (iii) the extent to which pending EU investment agreements (constituting a new EU competence) may contribute to the protection of human rights; and (iv) whether the institutional maze of EU institutions and Member States can coherently contribute to the Post-2015 Development Agenda consultations and the Busan Partnership considerations for Effective Development Cooperation.