Queen Mary Banking and Finance experts discuss the ‘Liability of the Arranger in a Syndicated Loan’ with Japanese Scholars

The European Banking and Finance group, Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) at Queen Mary hosted a delegation of Japanese scholars to discuss the recent Judgment of the Third Petty Bench of the Japanese Supreme Court of 27 November 2012 relating to the liability of the arranger in a syndicated loan. They also critically analysed the different judicial approaches to international syndicates in civil and common law systems.
Pictured clockwise from left: Professor Dogauchi Hiroto, Professor of Law, Univeristy of Tokyo, Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Queen Mary University of London, Dr Costanza Russo, Queen Mary, Professor Tetsuo Morishita, Professor of Law, Sophia University Law School and Dr Andromachi Georgosouli, Queen Mary.