Conference Videos: The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration: The Next 30 Years
International arbitration and legal experts from around the world came to Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) for the conference 'The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration: The Next 30 Years' on 19-21 April 2015.
The conference celebrated the 30th anniversary of the School of International Arbitration at QMUL and provided a platform for reflection, open debate, critical thinking and speculation about the future, as well as networking and reunion opportunities.
International arbitration has evolved significantly since the establishment of the School of International Arbitration in 1985. The School has been at the centre of many developments in the last 30 years and has educated and been associated with many of the key players in arbitration practice and scholarship.
Conference videos
View the 'The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration: The Next 30 Years' programme.