Distinguished speakers from Qualcomm and Gibson Dunn and Crutcher share competition law career experience with students

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Competition Law and Policy (ICC) hosted Mr Mathew Heim, Senior Director and Counsel in Qualcomm's European Government Affairs department, and Mr Ali Nikpay, partner and head of the London competition group at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, during a careers’ event for LLB and LLM competition law students on Wednesday 11 March 2015. The two distinguished speakers shared with the students insights from the regulatory world and that of practice, as well as their own individual experiences during their long careers.
Ramiro J Durand Negrillo, one of the LLM students who attended the event, said:
"I found the speakers' insights meaningful. They shared their experiences and gave useful advice with regard to career options in the field of competition law. Being able to listen directly to them about what employers expect from prospective candidates was invaluable."
Another LLM student, Ozgur Can Ozbek, commented:
"The event was a great opportunity to meet and learn about the experiences of two distinguished professionals. The fact that they have had unorthodox career paths, offered added-value to the conversation we had. It was good to receive important practical tips on applications, interviews and work-life in large organisations."