LLM Competition Law Students finish second place in Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot Contest
LLM in Competition Law students from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) finished second place in the Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot which is organised by King’s College London. The team members were Deni Viktovic, Alexandra Vladimora, Szymon Murek and Nandini Pahiri. The team was coached by two other LLM competition law students: Anja Tasic and Prashanth Shivadass.
Szymon Murek was crowned best oralist in the competition and Alexandra Valdimora got an honorary mention as best oralist in the final. Dr Maria Ioannidou, Lecturer in Competition Law at QMUL, who acted as judge during the competition, said:
"The team did extremely well at the different stages and prevailed over teams from other leading institutions, including King’s; at the preliminary stages, our team actually beat the Hong Kong team (the winners of the competition)."
- Read more about our LLM in Competition Law.