IGLEF training judges with the World Bank
The Institute for Global Law, Economics and Finance has recently teamed up with the World Bank Group to deliver a training course for judges specializing on insolvency law
This training programme took place in London in late November 2018 and was delivered by a team of experts of IGLEF (Queen Mary University of London) and officials of the World Bank. The training included issued related to the role of the judge as well as practical and substantial comparatives aspects of insolvency law. IGLEF’s team of experts was lead by Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Co-Director of IGLEF, and included a partner from a Magic Circle Law Firm, a retired High Court Judge, academics and other practitioners.
This is the second initiative recently done in conjunction with the World Bank, the other project included the drafting of a toolkit on Out-of-Court Workouts which was created to achieve two objectives: (1) to provide policy makers with tools to develop a corporate restructuring framework and culture in their country; and (2) to help stakeholders implement informal corporate restructuring principles to try to rescue failing enterprises. The Toolkit generally examines different models for restructuring, in the understanding that there is no such thing as a "one size fits all" approach, and countries have the ability to develop flexible and varied solutions to meet their specific financial sector needs.