Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas spoke at two energy-related events in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Professor Dr Rafael Leal-Arcas, Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Economic Law at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), was invited to present his ideas at two events in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in May 2018.
Regional Electricity Sector Integration in GCC and MENA: Imperatives and Challenges
“Energy Trade in the MENA Region: Looking beyond the Pan-Arab Electricity Market,” speaker in the Round Table ‘Regional Electricity Sector Integration in GCC and MENA: Imperatives & Challenges,’ King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre (KAPSARC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 10 May 2018
For further details, see the KAPSARC events listings.
Integrating Saudi Electricity into Regional Markets
‘With rapidly growing electricity consumption in the region, the development of an integrated electricity market has the potential to offer a multitude of benefits to the participating countries. However, to realize these potential benefits, understanding and addressing a wider set of economic and political challenges is required. This workshop will focus on exploring the policy, legislative, regulatory and system operation dimensions of developing an integrated electricity market and cross-border electricity trade in the GCC and MENA context.’
“Achieving sustainable energy and mitigating climate change: The role of international trade,” Speaker, International Energy Forum, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 9 May 2018