The event was held on the occasion of the graduation of last year’s student cohort of the LLM in International Shipping Law (Piraeus, Greece), an innovative programme offered in Piraeus by Queen Mary University of London.
At the same time this year’s student cohort was welcomed. The event was well attended by prominent personalities of the shipping and legal sectors.
Students and attendees were welcomed by Professor Ian Walden, Director of the Centre of Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, Dr Alexandros Ntovas, Director of the programme, as well Ms Natalia Margioli, HMC Managing Director. Both QMUL and HMC representatives congratulated students on their achievements so far but also reviewed the importance of the programme and what it has offered them in order to succeed in their endeavors.
The programme is taught by the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), who have a world-wide acclaimed reputation as a provider of high-quality education in commercial law, which can be placed at the service of governments, public bodies, overseas institutions, the legal profession, industry and commerce.
To this end, the LLM in International Shipping Law in Piraeus honours the long-established Greek tradition in shipping by bringing a programme of excellent academic standards in the heart of a major international shipping centre. It is delivered by the CCLS academic staff at the prestigious facilities of the HMC in Piraeus, and it is designed to equip maritime professionals and graduates alike with an in depth understanding of legal theory while gaining new perspectives on shipping issues. The programme is taught in six intensive blocks throughout two academic semesters, so that it can be fitted in with their other professional commitments.
It was a successful and well attended event which proved once again that Piraeus is truly part of an international shipping network and a maritime educational hub.
From Left to Right on the photo: Sir Bernard Rix, Ms. Irene S. Daifas, Deputy Mayor of Piraeus in charge of culture and President of Piraeus Marine Club, Mrs Natalia Margioli, Managing Director of HMC and Mr Ian Walden, Director of CCLS, QMUL