Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas to speak at two events at the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Center at the University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas, USA

Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas, Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Economic Law at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), will give two presentations on energy- and climate-related issues at the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Center at the University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas, USA:
- “A sustainable and prosperous future: The role of climate clubs and international trade,” Speaker, The Energy Transition in a Climate Constrained World – International, Comparative and Domestic Approaches, annual conference, hosted by the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources (EENR) Center at University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas, USA, 17 April 2020. To visit the program.
- “Energy and Climate: Opportunities, Challenges, and Innovations,” commenter, 2020 North American Conference on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas, USA, 16 April 2020. View the program [PDF 545KB].