QMGPI works with the Malaysian Government to provide Cyber Security training for senior officials
Queen Mary University of London provided training for senior officials from the Malaysian Government on Cyber Security regulations and practice to enable them to work more efficiently.

Senior officials from the Malaysian Government have completed a two-week training programme led by Professor Ian Walden and Professor Anne Flanagan at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS). The programme took place across two Queen Mary sites: Department W and CCLS, so participants were able to experience different parts of London and Queen Mary campuses.
The programme will contribute to a greater understanding of Cyber Security regulations and practice from the UK, EU and US perspective so that the Malaysian officials can work more efficiently in their respective fields.
Director of CCLS and QMGPI Leadership Team member Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, congratulated the participants and issued completion of certificates to them at the end of the programme. He said:
“We were very happy to welcome senior officials from the Malaysian Government for training on cybersecurity. The training covered areas of Cloud Security, Confidentiality, Data Protection and Cybercrime, and included a number of practical case studies presenting the European and US approach to Information Security. We continue our collaboration with the Malaysian Government and look forward to welcoming more officials in the near future on one of our multiple training programmes”.