Kamala Dawar specialises in global economic governance, with a focus on international trade and sustainable development. She has over 25 years experience working with and for universities, international organisations, governments and public interest groups on international economic law and public policy issues such as trade, competition, public procurement, sustainable development and gender empowerment and social inclusion.
- 08/2023 - current Senior Lecture, International Economic Law CCLS
- 09/2021 - 06/2023 Reader, International Commercial Law, Sussex University
- 09/2017 - 09/2021 Senior Lecturer, International Commercial Law, Sussex University
- 09/204 - 09 /2017 Lecturer, International Commercial Law, Sussex University
- Lead Author: Dawar, Kamala (2017) The Legality of Bailouts and Buy Nationals: International Trade Law in a Crisis. Competition series . Hart Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781509908226
- UK Development Aid under Global Britain and the National Interest. Kings Special Issue Global Britain and the National Interest. 2023.
- Dawar, Kamala (2023) The EU International Procurement Regulation Enters in to Force Reciprocity. Journal of World Trade 57(1). February 2023.
- Dawar, Kamala (2022) Book Review: The Regulation of Product Standards in World Trade Law, written by Ming Du.
- Dawar, Kamala (2020) Using Official Export Support in a Crisis. ECDPM Great Insights Volume 9, Issue 2.
- Dawar, Kamala and Lipimile, George (2020) Africa: harmonising competition policy under the AfCFTA. Concurrences Review, 2020 (2). a93472 242-250. ISSN 1773-9578
- Dawar, Kamala (2020) Official export credit support: competition and compliance issues. Journal of World Trade, 54 (3). pp. 373-395. ISSN 1011-6702
- Dawar, Kamala (2020) Regulating under the radar: EU official export credit support. VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal and European Union Institute Policy Brief. Issue 2020/08 February 2020. pp1-8. ISBN:978-92-9084-821-9
- Beaulieu, Eugene, Dawar, Kamala and Garner-Knapp, Lindsey (2019) Canada-U.K. free trade: balancing progressive trade policies and economic benefits. School of Public Policy Briefing Paper, 12 (43). pp. 1-30. ISSN 2560-8312
- Tas, Bedri Kamil Onur, Dawar, Kamala, Holmes, Peter and Togan, Sübidey (2019) Does the WTO government procurement agreement deliver what it promises? World Trade Review. Volume 18, Issue 4. October 2019 , pp. 609-634. ISSN 1474-7456
- Dawar, Kamala, Hartwell, Christopher and Togan, Subidey (2018) Reforming and renegotiating the EU-Turkey customs union. Turkish Political Quarterly. Spring 2018, Vol. 17, No. 1, 129-138.
- Dawar, Kamala (2018) Legal issues of economic disintegration: government procurement and BREXIT. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 45 (2). pp. 121-139. ISSN 1566-6573
- Dawar, Kamala and Ndaba, Ndluvo (2018) Competition policy and law enforcement in Botswana, Nigeria and Ethiopia: identifying drivers for reform. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 5 (2). pp. 161-162. ISSN 2050-0688
- Holmes, Peter, Rollo, Jim, Dawar, Kamala and Mathis, James H (2016) Qualified market access: an economic, empirical and legal analysis. Journal of International Trade, 1 (1). pp. 47-71.
- Dawar, Kamala (2016) The 2016 EU International Procurement Instrument’s amendments to the 2012 buy European proposal: a retrospective assessment of its prospects. Journal of World Trade, 50 (5). pp. 845-865. ISSN 1011-6702
- Dawar, Kamala (2016) Transcending mercantilism: identifying the positive externalities from international public procurement agreements. Public Procurement Law Review, 25 (5). 181 -196. ISSN 0963-8245
- Dawar, Kamala (2016) Government procurement in the WTO: a case for greater integration. World Trade Review, 15 (4). pp. 645-670. ISSN 1474-7456
- Dawar, Kamala (2015): The WTO Government Procurement Agreement, Most-favoured nation Status and Regionalism. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, Kluwer. August 2015. Volume 42, Issue 3. pp257-280.
- Herzog, Lisa, Walton, Andrew, Dawar, Kamala, James, Aaron, Nilsson, Lars, Portela, Clara, Risse, Mathias and Winters, L Alan (2014) Qualified market access and inter-disciplinarity. Ethics and Global Politics, 7 (2). pp. 83-94. ISSN 1654-4951.
- Dawar, Kamala (2012) The proposed 'buy European' procurement regulation: an analysis. Débâcle: The 11th GTA report on protectionism, 11. pp. 89-97.
- Dawar, Kamala (2010) Assessing labour and environment provisions in regional trade agreements. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 37 (4). pp. 339-373. ISSN 1566-6573.
- Dawar, Kamala (2008) Policy space vs. policy lock-in: public procurement in the Cariforum EPA. Trade Negotiation Insights, 7 (7). ISSN 1682-6744.
- Dawar, Kamala (2006) Global governance and its implications for consumers. Consumer Policy Review, 16 (1). ISSN 0961-1134.
- Dawar, Kamala, Shakur, T, Hindley, M and French, M (2003) Global built-environment with a human face: the mismatch between international economic systems and the goals of sustainable development. Global Built Environment Review, 2 (3). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1474-6824.
- Dawar, Kamala and Hindley, Michael (2002) Implications of the Doha WTO Ministerial meeting for developing countries’ capacity building, trade, and environmental negotiations. Global Business and Economics Review (GBER). ISSN 1097-4954.
Book Section
- Dawar, Kamala (2023) Export credit agencies: the consequences of non-transparency. In World Trade Forum edited collection “EU Trade Policy Coherence with Non-Trade Policy Objectives (NTPOs)” Cambridge University Press, 2023.
- Dawar, Kamala and Lipimile George, Harmonization and Integration in Africa: The Case of Competition Law and Policy. In Amao, Olufemi, Michèle Olivier, and Konstantinos D. Magliveras (eds), The Emergent African Union Law: Conceptualization, Delimitation, and Application. OUP Oxford, 2021
- Dawar, Kamala (2017) The government procurement agreement, the most-favored-nation principle, and regional trade agreements. Chapter 4, In: Georgopulos, Aris C, Hoekman, Bernard and Mavroidis, Petros C (eds.) The internationalization of government procurement regulation. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198796749
- Dawar, Kamala and Skalova, Monika (2016) The evolution of EU public procurement rules and its interface with WTO: SME promotion and policy space. In: Sanchez Graells, Albert and Skovgaard Ølykke, Grith (eds.) Reformation or deformation of the EU Public Procurement Rules. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 59-79. ISBN 9781785361807
Reports and working papers
- Dawar, Kamala (2023) WTO Gender Lens for the Government Procurement Agreement. International Trade Centre, Geneva.
- Dawar, Kamala (2023) WTO Gender Lens for the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement 2023. International Trade Centre, Geneva.
- Dawar, Kamala (2023) Western Balkans Regional Initiatives and EU Accession. GIZ/EU.
- Dawar, Kamala (2019) Happy centennial birthday UKEF: fit for the future? Discussion Paper. UKTPO. Briefing Paper 36 – October 2019. pp1-13. ISBN 978-1-912044-87-0
- Dawar, Kamala, Beaulieu, Eugene and Garner-Knapp, Lindsey (2019) Canada-UK free trade: balancing progressive trade policies and economic benefits. Working Paper. University of Calgary.
- Dawar, Kamala, Haider, Ailia and Green, Adam (2019) Climate change and trade agreements: friends or foes? Technical Report. Economist Intelligence Unit, London.
- Dawar, Kamala (2018) Best practice guidelines for promoting MSMEs in public procurement markets. Project Report. EU-Brazil Dialogue. European Union, Brussels.
- Dawar, Kamala (2018) Protectionism and international diplomacy. Technical Report INTA Committee. European Parliament, Brussels. June 2018 Pp1-57. ISBN: 978-92-846-3247-3
- Dawar, Kamala (2017) Openness of public procurement markets in key third countries. Technical Report INTA Committee. European Parliament, Brussels. July 2017 pp1-91.ISBN: 978-92-846-1254-3
- Dawar, Kamala (2017) Brexit and government procurement. Technical Report. UKTPO, Sussex.
- Dawar, Kamala and Oh, Seung Chul (2017) The Role of Public Procurement Policy in Driving Industrial Development. Technical Report. Inclusive And Sustainable Industrial Development Working Paper Series Wp 8. Department Of Policy, Research And Statistics. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria.
- Rollo, Jim, Borchert, Ingo, Dawar, Kamala, Holmes, Peter and Winters, L. Alan (2016) The World Trade Organisation: a safety net for a post-Brexit UK trade policy? Discussion Paper. University of Sussex.
- Dawar, Kamala and Sübidey, Togan (2016) Bringing EU-Turkey trade and investment relations up to date? Technical Report. European Parliament External Relations Policy Department, Brussels.
Public Engagement
- Fellow: Royal Society of the Arts
- Member: Bijeenkomst Werkgroep Recht Der Internationale Economische Betrekkingen (RIEB)
- Editor: Public Procurement Law Review (PPLR), Sweet and Maxwell.
- 2022/23: Visiting Scholar Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Law School, Malaysia 2023/2024
- 2023 - UKICE Board member
- 2022: UKRI/ESRC Panel Introducer and Interviewer UK in a Changing Europe Senior Fellows Awards
- 2017: Visiting Professor Grenoble University Law School
- 2017: Visiting Scholar Erasmus Visiting Scholar: Monash University, Malaysia