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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Dr Raphael Heffron, BA, MA, MLitt, MPhil, PhD, Barrister at Law


Visiting Professor



Raphael Heffron is Jean Monnet Chair in Energy & Natural Resources Law (awarded by the European Commission) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). His work is international and combines a mix of energy law, policy and economics – including interdisciplinary energy research, EU and US energy law and policy. He has published over 100 publications of different types.

Raphael’s research has involved funding from UK national research councils (the ESRC, and the EPSRC), the EU (in a Horizon 2020 project) and currently through the European Commission (Jean Monnet Chair). He has acted as a consultant for the World Bank and London think tanks. His research has been cited over 200 times in the last two years. Raphael is on the Editorial Board of the International Energy Law Review and is also Consulting Editor of the Halsbury’s Laws of England volumes on Energy Law.

Raphael is currently the Co-Chair of the UK Energy Law and Policy AssociationVisiting Professor in Energy Law at the International Hellenic University (Greece); and an Associate Researcher at the Energy Policy Research Group at the University of Cambridge. He will be Visiting Professor at Paris-Dauphine University later this year (2018).

Raphael read for his PhD at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. He is also a trained Barrister-at-Law and was called to the Bar in July 2007 in the Republic of Ireland. He holds degrees from the University of Cambridge (MPhil, PhD), the University of St. Andrews (MLitt), and Trinity College Dublin (BA, MA).

Formerly Raphael held permanent lectureships at the University of Leeds and the University of Stirling (Scotland) where he was also the Programme Director for the LLM in International Energy Law and Policy. In the past he has held visiting positions at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA (Visiting Student), The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA (Visiting Scholar), and the British Institute for International and Comparative Law (Visiting Research Fellow). At the University of Cambridge, Raphael was a Teaching Fellow at the Faculty of Economics and also a Research Assistant at the Department of Engineering.

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