Dr Antigoni Lykotrafiti

Senior Lecturer in Transport, Energy and the Law
Email: a.lykotrafiti@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 5327
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Dr Antigoni Lykotrafiti is a Senior Lecturer in Transport, Energy and the Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London, where she teaches and carries out research on air transport law and shipping law. As of January 2026, she will convene the newly introduced Postgraduate Certificate in Aviation Law. Prior to joining Queen Mary, Antigoni worked for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on transport policy issues. She has been an assistant professor at Tilburg University (Tilburg Law and Economics Centre), where she taught public international and European law and carried out research on EU innovation law and policy, a Jean Monnet post-doctoral fellow at the European University Institute, where she worked on transatlantic air transport liberalisation issues, a practitioner within the competition division of a leading law firm and a stagiaire at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport. She has been a visiting research fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and a visiting professor at the University of Bergamo. Dr Lykotrafiti read law at the University of Athens (LLB), European law at the University of Essex (LLM) and air transport law at King’s College London (PhD), writing her thesis on the issue of State aid in air transport. She specialises in European and international law, law and economics, and law and innovation, as applied especially to the aviation sector.
Postgraduate Teaching
Research Interests:
Dr Lykotrafiti is interested in interdisciplinary research focusing on the interplay between law and economics, law and technology and law and innovation. She carries out research in the areas of European law (internal market law, State aid law, public procurement law, competition law, innovation law) and International law and examines their application in the sectors of air transport, maritime transport and energy.
- “Regulation of For-Hire Passenger Transport: Portugal in International Comparison”, OECD/ITF case-specific policy analysis, 2016.
- “Big Data and Transport: Understanding and Assessing Options”, OECD/ITF Corporate Partnership Board Report, 2015.
- “Automated and Autonomous Driving – Regulation under Uncertainty”, OECD/ITF Corporate Partnership Board Report, 2015.
- “Regulating Smart Metering in Europe: Technological, Economic and Legal Challenges”, Centre for Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Report, 2014.
- “CERRE Code of Conduct and Best Practices for the setup, operations and procedure of regulatory authorities”, 2014.
- “Growth and Sustainability Policies for Europe (GRASP)”, EU Seventh Framework Programme project (project number: 244725), 2009-2013.
- “2009 Update of the 2006 Study on the Enforcement of State Aid Rules at National Level”, Study commissioned by the European Commission and carried out by Hogan Lovells Brussels (National Rapporteur for Greece and Cyprus, 2008-2009).
- “The EU-ASEAN Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (2022): From Regional to Inter-Regional to Global?” (with Jae Woon Lee and Máté Gergely), 2024, 89(3) Journal of Air Law and Commerce, pp. 391-436. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25172/jalc.89.3.3
- “Regulatory Convergence between US Antitrust Law and EU Competition Law in International Air Transport – Taking Stock”, 2023, 19(1) Journal of Competition Law and Economics, pp. 146-176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/joclec/nhac013
- Paper nominated for the Antitrust Writing Awards 2024 (category: Academic Articles - Cross-Border).
- “What does Europe do about Fair Competition in International Air Transport? A Critique of Recent Actions”, 2020, 57(3) Common Market Law Review, pp. 831-860.
- "A Comprehensive Study of Air Transport Liberalization through the Lens of Strategic Airline Alliances", 2019, 44 (4/5) Air & Space Law, pp. 347-392.
- “Liberalisation of International Civil Aviation – Charting the Legal Flightpath”, 2015, 43 Transport Policy, pp. 85-95.
- “EU Innovation Policy – Lessons Learned from the Inclusion of Aviation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme”, 2013, 40(4) Legal Issues of Economic Integration, pp 339-361.
- “Consolidation and Rationalization in the Transatlantic Air Transport Market – Prospects and Challenges for Competition and Consumer Welfare”, 2011, 76 Journal of Air Law and Commerce, pp 661-732.
- “Low-cost Carriers and State Aids – A Paradox? Reflections on the Ryanair/Charleroi Case’, 2008, 2 European State Aid Law Quarterly, pp 214-229.
Book Chapters
- “Air Transport and International Economic Law” in Saida El Boudouhi (ed), Les Transports au Prisme du Droit International Public, Éditions Pedone, Paris, 2019, pp. 101-120.
- “The intersection between the Market Economy Investor Principle and the one time-last time principle in the context of airline restructuring operations” in Erika Szyszczak (ed), Research Handbook on State Aid Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, pp. 105-123.
- “Enforcement of EU State Aid Law at National Level: Greece” (together with Dr Ioannis Koimtzoglou – 50%) in Enforcement of EU State Aid Law at National Level, Derenne/Müller-Rappard/Kaczmarec (eds), Lexxion, 2010, pp. 173-184.
Case Notes
- "The White Elephant in the Room… Annotation on European Commission Decision of 3 August 2016: State aid SA.41342 (2016/N) – Germany. Financing of Berlin Brandenburg Airport", 2017, 2 European State Aid Law Quarterly, pp. 299-309.
- ‘European Commission v. the Netherlands: a Reminder of the 2002 Open Skies Judgments in the Light of the First EU-US Air Transport Agreement’, 2007, 28(10) European Competition Law Review, pp 578-583.
- The following case notes can be accessed at Concurrences:
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State Aid Control authorises the amendment of national legislation concerning aid towards the payment of agricultural insurance premiums, finding that it complies with EC Reg. No1857/2006 (“Aid towards the payment of insurance premiums”), 30.10.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State Aid Control authorises a draft aid scheme for the provision of aid to farmers affected by the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, finding that it falls within EC Reg. No1857/2006 (Aid to livestock farmers), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 26.11.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State Aid Control authorises an aid scheme for participation in a postgraduate programme, finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 68/2001 (Mediterranean Institute of Management), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 09.07.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorizes an aid scheme, aimed at the collection, transport and processing of animal waste by a private undertaking, finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 1857/2006 (Sigan Management), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 08.02.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorizes several aid schemes for the provision of training aid, having concluded that they fall within EC Reg. No. 68/2001 and No 800/2008 (Training programmes), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 16.04.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorizes an aid scheme aimed at facilitating the recruitment of unemployed persons with a serious disability in the private sector (Scheme for recruitment of disabled persons), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 16.04.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorises an aid scheme for the payment of social security contributions to employers and disabled employees finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 2204/2002 ("Scheme for the payment of social security contributions"), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 17.01.2005.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State Aid Control authorises an aid scheme aimed mainly at the improvement of working conditions and the reduction of workplace accidents in the construction industry ("Aid scheme for construction companies" ), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 01.01.2005.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorises an aid scheme for the provision of access to research infrastructures abroad, finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 70/2001 ("Research infrastructures abroad"), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 15.02.2005.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorises an aid scheme for small and medium-sized enterprises for the promotion of alternative forms of economic activities in the field of agri-tourism, finding that it falls within EC Reg. N° 70/2001 and 69/2001 ("Small and medium-sized enterprises"), 14.04.2005.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorises a Cypriot-Greek research and development cooperation programme finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 70/2001 (Joint Cooperation Programme), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions 27.04.2006.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorises an individual aid measure for the subsidisation of a cattle breeding association finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 1/2004 (Holstein-Friesian), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 31.08.2007.
- The Cyprus Commissioner for State aid control authorises an aid scheme aimed at incentivising employers/businesses to design, organise and implement training programmes for their employees, finding that it falls within EC Reg. No 68/2001 (Training programmes), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 30.11.2006.
- The Greek Supreme Court rules that a provision of national law, which limits the compensation due to those employed in the public sector upon retirement to a certain level, does not constitute aid within the meaning of Art. 87 (1) EC (Olympic Airways employee), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 30.06.2006.
- A Greek Court rules that a money order issued pursuant to a regulation concerning standard fees paid to farmers participating in an EU Community programme does not infringe Art. 87 EC (Service of Financial Control), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 14.09.2006.
- The Greek Legal Council of State decides that the funding provided to a State institute by the Greek Ministry of National Defence does not constitute illegal State aid, as it merely covers the operating expenses of the Institute, whose activities are not economic (Defence Analyses Institute), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 30.10.2006.
- The Greek administrative Court of appeal rules that interest due in the case of recovery of illegal aid constitutes a distinct category of interest which may not be confused or in any way affected by other types of interest or other provisions of national tax law (Heracles), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 31.05.2007.
- The Hellenic Conseil d’Etat rules that a legislative provision introduced in compliance with a judgment of the ECJ, ordering the recovery of incompatible aid granted in the form of tax exemptions, does not impinge upon the Greek Constitution, which prohibits the retroactive imposition of taxation (Undertaking S.A.), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 11.01.2006.
- The Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens annuls a decision of the Regulatory Authority for Energy, finding that the alleged misapplication by the latter of national legislation pertaining to the costs to be incurred in connecting to the electricity transmission system amounts to State aid to the new system user (Public Power Corporation S.A. v. Greece), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 03.05.2007.
- The Hellenic Conseil d’Etat declares inadmissible a submission that the misestimation of the cost for the provision of certain services by the authority who conducted a public tender amounts to State aid to the winning bidder, on the grounds that Article 87 EC does not have direct effect, but is applied on the initiative of the European Commission (Bus operator v. Greece), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, , 02.10.2007.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority fines the telecommunications incumbent and a subscriber channel for a restrictive cooperation agreement on the DSL market (CYTA/LTV), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 04.082006.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority fines the incumbent telecoms provider for refusing to provide access to its SMS Centre (CYTA/Golden Telemedia), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 19.12.2006.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority fined the telecoms incumbent for provision of inaccurate and misleading information during its ex officio investigation of fixed telephony services using VoIP technology (CYTA), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 08.09.2006.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority dismissed a complaint filed by a consumer concerning abuse of dominance on the Internet services market (Philipilides/Cyprus Telecommunications Authority), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 26.06.2006.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority fines the telecommunications incumbent for abusive conduct in the mobile telephony market (Areeba/CYTA), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 20.01.2006.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority imposes a fine on three pay-TV operators for restrictive exclusive distribution agreements (Channel LTV), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 06.06.2006.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority imposed a fine on three banking institutions for coordination of their interest rates (Bank of Cyprus/Cyprus Popular Bank/Hellenic Bank), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 22.06.2004.
- The Cyprus Competition Authority imposes a fine for price squeeze and excessive pricing on the Internet services market (CYTA), Concurrences, Bulletin e-competitions, 30.05.2005.
Shorter Papers, Discussion Papers, Conference Papers, Editorials and Book Reviews
- “The EU-ASEAN Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (2022): From Regional to Inter-Regional to Global?” (with Jae Woon Lee and Máté Gergely), The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2024-05, Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
- “Innovation is in the (clean) air”, The European Financial Review, 2013 April/May issue, pp. 59-62.
- “Liberalisation of International Civil Aviation – Charting the Legal Flightpath”, Discussion Paper 2015-18, International Transport Forum/Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, pp. 1-26.
- “Innovation is in the (clean) air – The inclusion of Aviation in the EU Emissions Scheme as a Driver of Innovation in Air Transport”, 2012, TILEC Discussion Paper No. 2012-033, pp. 1-49, Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
- “Consolidation and Rationalization in the Transatlantic Air Transport Market – Prospects and Challenges for Competition and Consumer Welfare”, TILEC Discussion Paper, No. 2011-033, pp. 1-43, Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
- “A Study on Air Transport Liberalisation based on ICAO’s Extant Documents” (with Roxani Athousaki and Mark Hooper – 30%), Proceedings of the Third International Aviation Management Conference 2016, Ed. Ahmed H. Obaide, Emirates Aviation University, pp. 52-62.
- Editorial (with Andreas Papatheodorou), 2015, Journal of Air Transport Studies, 6(2): x-xi.
- “Will sustainability fly? Aviation fuel options in a low‐carbon world", Walter J. Palmer, Ashgate, 2015, book review published in 26(3) Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 2017, pp. 307-309.
Dr Lykotrafiti welcomes proposals for postgraduate research in the area especially of aviation law.
Current PhD student:
- Ms Nuanchan Changchit, “Towards Harmonisation of Multimodal Transport Law in ASEAN” (Joint supervision with Professor Miriam Goldby).
Public Engagement
- “Decarbonising the aviation transport sector – policy actions and ambitious plans”.
- 1st EU-Asia Aviation Law Forum – “The ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement: Impact and Implications”.
- 2nd EU-Asia Aviation Law Forum – “Aviation Law and the Aero-Political Implications of the Ongoing Conflict in Ukraine”.
- 3rd EU-Asia Aviation Law Forum – “Air Passenger Rights in the EU and Asia”.