Gadi Oron is Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London, where he teaches on copyright and the music industry to LLM students. He is the Director General of CISAC, the International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies. In this role, he oversees the activities of the world’s largest network of authors societies, covering more than 120 countries and representing over 230 collective management organisations and 5 million creators of music, film, TV, literature and visual art.
An entertainment and intellectual property lawyer by training, Mr Oron has had leading roles in different sectors of the music and creative industries. An expert in international copyright and entertainment law, Oron held both private practice and in-house positions and represented the creative sector to governments, legislators, and international bodies.
Mr Oron also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the international ISAN (standard for Audiovisual works identification) agency.
He has published widely on copyright and intellectual property, and is one of the specialist editors of the book Copinger & Skone James on Copyright.
He has been named by “Legal 500” as one of the leading lawyers in France; and chosen by Billboard and by Variety Magazine as one of the top Power Players in the international music industry.