Professor Philip John Rawlings

Emeritus Professor of Law
Philip Rawlings is Emeritus Professor of Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London and Honorary Professor of Law at University College London. He graduated LLB from Hull University, where he also read for his PhD as a Ferens Scholar. In his early academic career, he held posts at Aberystwyth, Brunel and Warwick universities. He was Professor of Law at UCL before becoming The Sir Roy Goode Professor of Commercial Law at CCLS in 2011 and Deputy Director (2013-18).
Postgraduate Teaching
- SOLM138 General Principles of Insurance Law (2023-24 only)
- CCLP606 Legal Aspects of International Finance (Paris)
Research Interests:
Philip's main areas of research are history (criminal justice and commercial law), insurance law and the law of international finance. His current research includes papers on immigration controls after the First World War, the use of compensation in the eighteenth century to encourage communal crime prevention and detection, The Highwayman's Case (1725), and the role of insurance in shaping the UK's welfare state. (Early versions of papers on these issues are available on SSRN.)
- Benjamin’s Sale of Goods (London: Sweet & Maxwell), chapters 1-3 (circa pp190) (8th edn. (2010), annual supplements (2012, 2013); 9th edn (2014), annual supplement (2016); 10th edn (2017), annual supplement (2018, 2019)
- Insurance Law: Cases and Materials (Oxford: Hart, 2004), xiii + 675 (with Professor Lowry).
- Policing: A Short History (Cullompton: Willan Publishing, 2002), vi + 274.
- Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles (Oxford: Hart, 1999), lxiv + 454 (with Professor Lowry); 2nd edn (2005) (contribution by Professor Rob Merkin, Southampton); 3rd edn (2011) (co-author Professor Rob Merkin).
- Crime and Power: A History of Criminal Justice 1688-1998 (London: Longman, 1999), ix + 212.
- Drunks, Whores and Idle Apprentices: Criminal Biographies of the Eighteenth Century (London: Routledge, 1992), xi + 224.
- English Legal History (New York and London: Garland, 1990), ix + 205 (with W. Hines, R.W. Ireland, C.P. Rodgers).
- Imprisonment in England and Wales: A Concise History (London: Croom Helm, 1985), xiii + 308. (with R.W. Hines, R.W. Ireland, C. Harding).
Edited books
- Kluwer’s Handbook of Insurance Law (London: Croner CCH, 2002). Contributing editor.
- Financial Services in the United Kingdom (Bremen: Zentrum fur Europaische Rechtspolitik, 1994). General editor. (UK report for a four-nation study led by ZERP (Bremen) on financial services in the EU; funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.)
Chapters in Books
- 'What Can History Tell Us About Insurance Regulation?" in A. Georgosouli and M. Goldby (eds), Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation (informa, 2015), pp.7-22.
- “Policing Before the Police” in T. Newburn, ed., Handbook of Policing (Cullompton: Willan Publishing, 2008), pp 47-71 (extensively rewritten from first edition, 2003, pp 41-65).
- The New Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). Biographies of James Dalton, Mary Young, John Poulter, Charles Speckman, Sir John Fielding and the Rev. James Hackman (1000 words), and Dr William Dodd (2000 words).
- “Rethinking Insurable Interests” in S. Worthington, ed., Commercial Law and Commercial Practice (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2003), pp 335-64 (with Professor John Lowry).
- “General Principles of Insurance Law” in Kluwer’s Handbook of Insurance Law (London, Croner CCH, 2002), unpaginated.
- “True Crime” in J. Vagg and T. Newburn, eds, British Criminology Conference: Selected Proceedings. Volume 1: Emerging Themes in Criminology (Loughborough: British Society of Criminology, 1998), unpaginated, 13,000 words.
- "Consumer Empowerment and the Citizen's Charter" in C. Willett, ed., Public Sector Reform and the Citizen's Charter (London: Blackstone Press, 1996), pp 25-42 (with C. Willett).
- "The Citizen's Charter and the Police" in C. Willett, ed., Public Sector Reform and the Citizen's Charter (London: Blackstone Press, 1996), pp 81-105 (with Dr S. Easton).
- "Social change, Police and Protection" in L. Shelley and J. Vigh, eds., Social Changes, Crime and Police (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995), pp 225-28 (with Professor E.A. Stanko).
- "The Ordinary of Newgate's Account: Mary Young", in D. Hobbs, ed., Professional Criminals (Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995), pp 269-84.
- “The Regulation of Financial Services in the United Kingdom”, in P. Rawlings, ed., Financial Services in the United Kingdom (Bremen: Zentrum fur Europaische Rechtspolitik, 1994).
- "Creeping Privatisation? The Police, Policing and the Conservative Government in the Late 1980s" in R. Reiner and M. Cross, eds., Beyond Law and Order; Criminal Justice Policy and Politics into the 1990s (London: Macmillan, 1991), pp 41-58.
- "Bobbies, Aliens and Subversives: The Relationship between Community Policing and Coercive Policing" in J.D. Baxter and L. Koffman, eds, Police: The Constitution and the Community (London: Professional Books, 1985), pp 72-90.
- '"A Sacred Trust for the Future": Regulating Insurance, 1800-70' (2018) Cambridge Law Journal 570.
- "Insurance Fraud and the Role of the Civil Law" (2017) 80 Modern Law Review 525 (with Professor Lowry)
- "Bubbles, Taxes, and Interests: Another History of Insurance Law 1720-1825" (2016) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1.
- "Majority and Minority Rights in Syndicated Loans" (2016) Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 70.
- "Insurance Fraud: The 'Convoluted and Confused' State of the Law' (2016) 132 Law Quarterly Review 96 (with Professor Lowry).
- “Cyber Risk: Insuring the Digital Age” (2015) 128 British Insurance Law Association (B.I.L.A.) Journal.
- “Restrictions on the Transfer of Right in Loan Contracts” (2013} Journal of International Banking and Finance Law (J.I.B.F.L.) 543.
- "‘Without Feeling and Without Remorse’? Making Sense of Employers’ Liability and Insurance in the Nineteenth Century" (2013) 126 B.I.L.A. Journal.
- “’That Wicked, that Evil Doctrine…’: Reforming the Law on Disclosure in Insurance Contracts’ (2012) 75(6) M.L.R. 1100 (with Professor John Lowry).
- “Car Accidents and Credit Hire” (2012) (August) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (with J Rudd).
- “When Interest Rates Do Not Match Funding Costs" (2012) J.I.B.F.L. 216.
- “Avoiding the Obligation to Lend” [2012] Journal of Business Law (J.B.L.) 89.
- “All Change: The Fall of the FSA and the Further Rise of the Bank of England” (2011) 30 (4) U.S. Banking & Financial Services Policy Report 16.
- “Bank Reform in the UK: Part II – Return to the Dark Ages?” [2010] International Corporate Rescue. (Parts I and II reprinted as special issue, 2011.)
- “Bank Reform in the UK: Part I – Future of Banking Commission” [2010] International Corporate Rescue 410.
- “Reform of Bank Regulation in the UK: The Opening Salvo” (2010) 25 J.I.B.F.L. 522.
- “Market Disruption Clauses in Syndicated Loans” [2009] J.I.B.F.L. 446.
- "Reinforcing Collectivity: The Liability of Trustees and the Power of Investors in Finance Transactions" (2009) 23(1) Trust Law International 14.
- "The Management of Loan Syndicates and the Rights of Individual Lenders' [2009] J.I.B.F.L. 179.
- “(Re)calibrating the Scope of Notification Clauses in Insurance Contracts’ (with Professor John Lowry) (2009) 27(3) Canadian Journal of Insurance Law 43.
- "Conditions Precedent in Insurance Contracts” (with Professor John Lowry) [2009] J.B.L. 275.
- "'A Compleat System of Knavery: Folk Devils, Moral Panics and the Origins of Financial Regulation” [2008] Current Legal Problems 325.
- "Blame in a Cold Climate: Bank Liability for Investment Advice" [2008] J.I.B.F.L. 581.
- “Claims: Conditions Precedent to Liability and Waiver” (with Professor John Lowry) [2007] J.B.L. 179.
- “The Changing Role of the Trustee in International Bond Issues” [2007] J.B.L. 43.
- “Innominate Terms in Insurance Contracts” (with John Lowry) [2006] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 135.
- “International Bonds and Trustees” [2006] Trust Law International 205.
- “Third Party Rights in Contract” [2006] Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly 7.
- “Fraudulent Claims: Framing the Appropriate Remedy” (with Lowry) [2006] J.B.L. 338.
- “A Force Divided” [2006] 65 Criminal Justice Matters 22.
- “Insurers, Claims and the Boundaries of Good Faith” (with Lowry) [2005] M.L.R. 82.
- “Proximate Causation in Insurance Law” (with Lowry) [2005] M.L.R. 309.
- “Yuppies, Drugs and Tesco: Should the Bank of England Blame Itself for Bank Failures?” (with M. D’Ingeo, S.I.B.) [1998] Journal of Money Laundering Control 39.
- "The Idea of Policing: A History" [1995] Policing and Society 129.
- "Ombudsman Schemes in the United Kingdom's Financial Sector: The Insurance Ombudsman, the Banking Ombudsman, and the Building Societies Ombudsman", (with C. Willett) [1994] Journal of Consumer Policy 307.
- "Consumerism and the Citizen's Charter" (with C. Willett) (1994) 2 Consumer L.J. 3.
- "Who Needs a Royal Commission?" (1992) 8 Policing 15.
- "The Citizen's Charter" (with G. Morris and C. Willett) [1992] J.B.L. 88.
- "Police Complaints under PACE" (with J.Williams & J.D. Baxter) [1986] J.C.L. 178.
- "PACE: Protecting the Suspect" (with J.Williams & J.D. Baxter) [1986] J.C.L. 68.
- "Arrest - A New Balance?" (with J.Williams & J.D. Baxter) [1985] J.C.L. 358.
- "PACE: Entry, Search and Seizure" (with J.Williams & J.D. Baxter) [1985] J.C.L. 274.
- "PACE: Safeguards - Real or Imagined?" (with J.Williams & J.D. Baxter) [1985] J.C.L. 164.
- "Judges, Politics and Property: The Interpretation of Race Relations and Immigration Legislation" [1985] Cambrian Law Review 98.
Short Articles and Commentaries
- Review article on David Smith’s The Sleep of Reason: The James Bulger Case" [1995] Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 632.
- Eleven articles on the Police and Criminal Evidence Bill (with J. Williams and J.D. Baxter) in Justice of the Peace, 1984-1985.
- "Defoe and Street Robberies" [1983] Notes and Queries 23.
- “The Crisis in the Modern Prison: Historical Perspective” (1982) 87(9) Ethical Record 11.
Working papers
- "The Highwayman's Case: William Wreathocke - Lawyer, Robber, Spy and 'Founder of the Present State of Perjury'" (2022) at (25 pages)
- "The Highwayman's Case: John Everett - Soldier, Robber, Publican, Gaoler" (2022) at (15 pages)
- "The Highwayman's Case: Fact or Fiction?"(2022) at (10 pages)
- "'An Absurd and Humiliating Kind of Legislation': Oscar Levy and the Alien Acts" (2021) at (25 pages)
- "Insurance as a Tool of Welfare Policy and The Idea of Public Insurance Law in the UK" (2021) at (26 pages)
- "Cyber Risks: Insuring the Digital Age: Updating the US Cases'"(2021) at (21 pages)
- "From Vigilance to Vigilante: The Rise and Fall of the Action Against the Hundred and the Reshaping of the Community's Role in Policing in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries" (2020) at (20 pages)
Study guides: External degrees of University of London (UCL/QMUL)
- International and Comparative Bank Regulation LLM (2010), 2nd edn 2017 + annual updates
- Banking Law: Bank-Customer Relationship LLM (2010), 2nd edn 2017+ annual updates
- Insurance Law LLM (2006), 2nd edn 2017 (co-author) + annual updates
- Law of International Finance: Syndicated Loans LLM (2014), 2nd edn 2017+ annual updates
- Commercial Law LLB (2007; 2nd edn, 2011).
Citations of work (2000-19)
- (English courts, except where noted). Citing Sale of Goods:
- Haines v Herd [2019] NZHC 342 at [103]-[104] (New Zealand)
- Phytolux Limited v Plessey Semiconductors Limited (Cty Ct Bus List) 2018 WL 03458538 at [86]
- Halberstam v Gladstar Ltd [2015] EWHC 179 (QB) at [47]
- VFS Financial Services Ltd v JF Plant Tyres Ltd [2013] EWHC 346 (QB)
- Agriwealth Capital Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2013] VCAT 1129 (Australia)
- FG Wilson (Engineering) Ltd v John Holt & Co (Liverpool) Ltd [2012] EWHC 2477 (Comm)
- Origin Energy Electricity Ltd v Queensland Competition Authority [2012] QSC 414 (Australia)
- Hearns v Rizzolo, 2012 NSSC 256 (Canada)
- Choil Trading SA v Shahara Energy Resources Ltd [2010] EWHC 374 (Comm)
- Kulkarni v Manor Credit (Davenham) Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 69
- Glencore Energy UK Ltd v Transworld Oil Ltd [2010] EWHC 141 (Comm)
- Geofizika DD v MMB Int [2010] EWCA Civ 459; also [2009] EWHC 1675 (Comm)
- Soufflet Negoce v Bunge SA [2009] EWHC 2454 (Comm)
- UR Power GmbH v Kuok Oils and Grains Pte Ltd [2009] EWHC 1940 (Comm)
- Maple Leaf Macro Volatility Master Fund v Rouvroy [2009] EWHC 257 (Comm)
- LeFrasco Rural Pty Ltd v Eureka! MFG Pty Ltd [2009] FCA 251 (Australia)
- Sony Computer Entertainment Ltd v Cinram Logistics UK Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 955
- Moriarty v Various Customers of BA Peters [2008] EWHC 2203 (Ch), EWHC 2205 (Ch)
- Uzinterimpex JSC v Standard Bank plc [2008] EWCA Civ 819
- Gallaher International Ltd v Tlais Enterprises Ltd [2008] EWHC 804 (Comm)
- Grosvenor Casinos Ltd v National Bank of Abu Dhabi [2008] EWHC 511 (Comm)
- Spiersbridge Property Ltd v Muir Construction [2008] ScotCS CSOH 44 (Scotland)
- Strachan v Highland Joinery Products Ltd [2008] ScotSC 7 (Scotland)
- Scottish & Newcastle International Ltd v Othon Ghalanos Ltd [2008] UKHL 11.
- Manning v Algard Estate 2008 BCSC 1129 (Canada)
- Laboratoires Servier, and others v Apotex Ltd 2008 FC 825 (Canada)
- Chiasson v Canada (Attorney-General) 2008 FC 616 (Canada)
- Citing article "Avoiding the Obligation to Lend")
- Grupo Hotelero Urvasco SA v Carey Value Added SL [2013] EWHC 1039 (Comm)
- Citing Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles:
- LCA Marrickville Pty Ltd v Swiss Re International SE [2022] FCAFC 17 at [531] (Australia)
- CGU Workers Compensation NSW Ltd v Garcia [2007] NSWCA 193 (Australia) ()
- Oldfield v Transamerica Life Insurance of Canada (2002) 5 LRC 477 (Canadian Supreme Court)
- Citing Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles, and article "Insurers, Claims and the Boundaries of Good Faith"
- Law Reform Commission (Ireland), Insurance Contracts (2011) LRC CP 65-2011 ()
- Law and Scottish Law Commissions, Insurance Contract Law: Analysis of Responses and Decisions on Scope (2006); Insurance Contract: A Joint Scoping Paper (2005); Insurance Contract Law: Issues Paper 6 - Damages for Late Payment and the Insurer's Duty of Good Faith (2010)
- Law Commission, Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods (cm 7725, 2009).
- Copy of Drunks, Whores and Idle Apprentices, annotated by Peter Carey in researching his novel, The True History of the Kelly Gang (winner of Man Booker Prize and Commonwealth Writer's Prize), is among papers donated by Carey to the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne (MS13420, Series 1, Box 7.0) and appeared in an exhibition of some of those papers at the library in 2013.