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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Professor Sam Ricketson, AM, BA, LLB (Melb), LLM and LLD (London, Queen Mary ), FASSA, FAAL, formerly member of the Victorian Bar


Visiting Research Fellow



Sam Ricketson is a Visiting Research Fellow at Queen Mary University of London and an Emeritus Professor in the Law School at the University of Melbourne who has written widely and taught in all areas of intellectual property (IP) law.

Prior to his retirement in April 2019, he was a professor in the Melbourne Law School, teaching mainly in the Masters programme. He also practised part-time at the Victorian Bar until mid-2015, principally in IP.

Sam Ricketson holds degrees from the Universities of Melbourne and London, and is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia and of the Australian Academy of Law. Prior to his appointment to the University of Melbourne in November 2000, Sam was the Sir Keith Aickin Professor of Commercial (formerly Corporate) Law at Monash University. Before this, he had held positions at the University of Melbourne (1977 to 1991) and  was a Herchel Smith Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary & Westfield College, London (1984-1986).


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