Ukraine DFID/FCO IP Court Project
The Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) received an award from the joint Department for International Development (DFID) and the Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) Good Governance Fund (GGF) to deliver a project of technical assistance to support the establishment and operation of the new High IP Court of Ukraine (IP Court). The Project is part of a broader programme of the U.K. government to implement judicial reform in Ukraine. The Project started on the 1 March 2018 and will run for two years with a total budget in excess of £850,000.
The goal of the Project is to support the creation and operation of a successful and effective IP Court in Ukraine, in order to make a significant contribution to improved levels of business confidence, more attractive investment conditions and a commercial environment that incentivises innovation and creativity, stimulating economic growth and prosperity.
Project deliverables
- Activity I “Recommendations on the establishment and functioning of the IP Court in Ukraine”
Assess the effectiveness of the legislative framework that underpins the set-up of the IP court in Ukraine, and the manner in which it is intended to operate. Such assessment is envisaged to lead to recommendations based on, inter alia, relevant best practices identified in other jurisdictions with mature IP regimes. - Activity II “Enabling adoption of legislative instruments on the establishment and functioning of the IP Court”
Develop recommendations in relation to the assessment aforementioned in activity I, pertaining to the legislative framework supporting the establishment and the functioning of an effective specialised IP court. - Activity III “Judicial training”
Provide an intellectual property law-focused training for newly elected judges for the newly established IP Court in Ukraine. - Activity IV “Government relations and public engagement”
Liaise with the Project’s stakeholders, including the Government and judicial institutions, associations of lawyers and businesses, academics as well as other users of the system in order to ensure the implementation of the Project’s recommendations and establishment of a well- functioning IP Court. - Activity V “Post Project Impact Assessment”
Following the completion of the aforementioned deliverables, we will seek to evaluate the extent to which the project objectives have been met.
The CCLS Project team
- Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, Chair in Law and Economics, email:
- Dr Noam Shemtov, Reader in Intellectual Property and Technology Law, email:
Ms Maria Tymofienko, email:
Research Coordinator
Ms Olga Gurgula, email:
Coordinator in Ukraine
Ms Olena Vardamatska, email:
Project Beneficiaries
- Ukraine’s Supreme Court
- High Council of Justice of Ukraine
- High Qualification Commission of Ukraine
- Judicial Reform Council of Ukraine
This project is funded with UK aid from the UK Government