1st Duke-CCLS Trans-Atlantic Competition

Sample of an antique bond
Sample of an antique bond

Thanks to a collaboration between Duke University School of Law and the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, Professor Mitu Gulati (Duke) and Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal (CCLS) are pleased to announce the launch of the first Duke-CCLS Student’s Trans-Atlantic Competition.

The winner will be awarded an antique sovereign bond, as well as the possibility of having the research published on International Corporate Rescue, a bi-monthly journal that covers the most relevant issues in the topical area of insolvency and corporate rescue law and practice.

Professors Gulati and Olivares-Caminal are looking for students to submit a 10 page memorandum based on a problem solving exercise regarding the enforcement of contractual rights in a debt instrument as explained on Thursday 15 January at 17:00 in the Derek Willoughby Lecture Theatre (Charterhouse Square Campus, London). The first page can be utilized to provide an executive summary of your recommendations.

The judges - a three member panel of academics and/or practitioners - will be looking for innovative, original, persuasive and well written memoranda. Submissions can be done individually or in teams (teams may comprise of no more than three students per team).

Judging panel

The members of the judging panel are:

  • Sir Robin Knowles CBE (The Hon Mr Justice Knowles CBE), the Royal Courts of Justice;
  • Professor Anna Gelpern, Georgetown University; and,
  • Professor Mark C. Weidemaier, University of North Carolina

Who can enter?

The competition is open to all Queen Mary University of London students currently enrolled on any of the following programmes:

  • School of Law LLM Programme (including LLM in Paris)
  • CCLS and School of Economics and Finance joint programmes - LLM in Law and Economics and MSc in Law and Finance
  • Law students undertaking MA Research in Law or PhD

The competition is open to all Duke students currently enrolled on any of the following programs:

  • School of Law LLM Programme
  • School of Law MA or PhD programs
  • School of Law JD Program

For more information download Duke-CCLS Competition information [PDF 10MB] [PDF 10,715KB].


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