Approaches to Risk in Finance: The View of the Industry
8 March 2019
Time: 6:01 - 8:00pm
Venue: Room 3.1, CCLS, 69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A
On March 8th at 6pm in room 3.1, Marke Raines, the Founder of Raines&Co a unique City financial law firm specialising in securitisation and structured finance, will discuss risk attitudes in finance.
Risk dominates all aspects of financial activities. An excessive risk appetite can be among the causes of a crisis. However, risk spreading is a sound risk management technique.
Can these two souls be reconciled? How to strike the right balance?
Also, regulators are constantly preoccupied of containing risk assumption and strive to establish a sound risk culture in firms, as the work by the Financial Stability Board on risk culture and on risk appetite shows.
Risk taking is also a driver for misconduct and we are delighted to welcome Marke at the Institute for Regulation and Ethics to discuss all these aspects. Marke will bring his privileged and unique observation point in relation to risk, which he has developed over many years of practical experience in structured finance and securitisation operations.
The event will be chaired by Dr Costanza Russo, Director of the CCLS Institute for Regulation and Ethics.