Roundtable on Financial Regulation
28 October 2014
Time: 6:00 - 8:15pm
Venue: London
The roundtable arises out of a short report, commissioned by Deloitte and written by Professor Philip Rawlings, Dr Andromachi Georgosouli and Dr Costanza Russo. Although primarily concerned with financial regulation, the objective is to develop a conversation which steps back a bit from the detail of the regulatory response to the crisis and engages with a broad range of participants (senior academics and practitioners from law, banking and non-banking regulatory backgrounds) to identify key areas of concern and what might be learned from other sectors, but, in particular, to think about how regulation may (or may not) prevent certain types of behaviour through things such as rules or principles and deterrence (e.g., imposing severe penalties on rule breakers in order to deter others from such behaviour in future).
How to Book
This event is strictly by invitation only.
For more information, please contact the CCLS Events Team on
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