Making a Donation
CCLS welcomes donations of all sizes. By default, donations go to the Roy Goode Scholarship Fund unless you would prefer to direct your donation to a different cause.
You can make a donation in the following ways:
- Make an online payment
- Send a cheque payable to "Queen Mary University of London Foundation" to:
The Alumni and Development Team
Centre for Commercial Law Studies
67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3JB - Download our gift form
- Make a payment direct from your bank (UK bank account holders only) to the Queen Mary University of London Foundation
Charity No: 1113376
Account Number: 10096115
Sort Code: 16-00-32 - Create a regular gift. If you have a UK bank account, you can set up a regular monthly, quarterly or annual donation. Alternatively, please download a gift form and return it to us.
Please remember you can enhance your donation by 25% at no extra cost to yourself if you are a UK taxpayer.
Thank you for your support!
Registered Charity No: 1113376