Oğulcan Ekiz (Intellectual Property Law LLM, 2018)
"Beside the financial contribution, it was great to be a part of the BLACA community, where I met amazing people like Professor Alison Firth, and Tom Rivers. The mentorship of Laurence Kaye from the Stationers’ Company was of great value too..."

What did you do before your studies at CCLS?
I studied law in Bahcesehir University, Istanbul and graduated in 2016. After graduation, I worked as an intern lawyer at an Istanbul-based IP-specialised law firm. Between 2012 and 2016, I worked with numerous media institutions as a photographer and published my work in various platforms. During that period, I had a chance to work closely with visual artists, art professionals like curators and editors, and musicians, and eventually I decided to further study copyright law.
Why did you choose to study at CCLS?
Among the programs I considered, the variety in the modules CCLS offered allowed me to shape a personalised LLM experience. I studied the Law of Film, Music Industry Contracts, and Art and Intellectual Property Law, none of which were offered in the other master studies. What helped me finalise my decision was the international reputation of CCLS in the field of IP and the chance to learn from the leading scholars such as Professors Johanna Gibson and Uma Suthersanen.
How did you hear about the bursary on offer?
I found it on the Queen Mary website.
How did receiving a bursary make a difference to you?
It helped in a number of ways. Beside the financial contribution, it was great to be a part of the BLACA community, where I met amazing people like Professor Alison Firth, and Tom Rivers. The mentorship of Laurence Kaye from the Stationers’ Company was of great value too.
What has happened in your career as a result of your bursary?
People I met through CCLS and the bursary played an important role in my decision to pursue a career in academia and I have been doing my PhD research at CCLS since 2019.
What would you say to donors who are considering donating to the CCLS Bursary Fund?
CCLS is a great centre to study IP law and it would be great if more students were able to join CCLS without financial constraints.
How you can donate to support future students:
Your contribution, regardless of its size, and when combined with the generosity of others, will provide life-changing opportunities for future CCLS students. You can also sign up for regular giving to support CCLS regularly.