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Critical Care and Peri-operative Medicine Research Group

Our Projects

Our group conducts observational studies, feasibility trials and major randomised controlled trials that take place both in the UK and internationally.


This page showcases the projects initiated and completed by the group.


Currently recruiting...

Targeted heart rate control using the funny current inhibitor ivabradine to reduce morbidity in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery: a phase IIa, triple blind, placebo controlled randomised trial

Selective heart rate lowering to reduce morbidity after non-cardiac surgery.



Optimising Shared decision-makIng for high-RIsk major Surgery (OSIRIS)

To understand and improve the shared decision making process for patients at high risk of medical complications as they contemplate major surgery.

Twitter / EmailWebsite


Epidural-related maternal fever (EPIFEVER-2): personalised genomic medicine to guide labour analgesia

To determine whether polymorphisms in interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene promotes fever in labouring women receiving epidural analgesia.

Email / EPIFEVER protocol [PDF 418KB]


Stopping Perioperative Angiotensin II Converting Enzyme inhibitors and/or receptor blockers in major non-cardiac surgery (SPACE) 

Patients on chronic ACEi/ARB therapy will have them either continued or stopped immediately prior to elective surgery.

Twitter / Email


OPtimisation of Peri-operaTive CardIovascular Management to Improve Surgical outcomE II (OPTIMISE II)

Using a cardiac output monitor to deliver goal-directed haemodynamic therapy intra-op and four hours post-op.

Twitter / Email / Website


Alternative Substrates in the Critically Ill Subject (ASICS)

Investigate the feasibility of administrating alternative substrates to ICU patients.

Email / Clinical Trials Register


Prevention of Respiratory Insufficiency after Surgical Management (PRISM) 

Early postoperative CPAP to reduce atelectasis and the incidence of subsequent respiratory complications.

PRISM Trial Paper - The Lancet Respiratory Medicine / Website


Enhanced Peri-Operative Care for High-risk patients (EPOCH)

A stepped wedge cluster randomised trial of a quality improvement intervention for patients undergoing emergency laparotomy.

EPOCH Trial Paper - The Lancet / Website


International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS)

International observational cohort study of complications following elective surgery.

ISOS Trial Paper - British Journal of Anaesthesia / Website


OPtimisation of Peri-operaTive CardIovascular Management to Improve Surgical outcomE (OPTIMISE)

To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of a perioperative, cardiac output–guided hemodynamic therapy algorithm.

OPTIMISE Trial Paper - JAMA Network


European Surgical Outcomes Study (EuSOS)

Multi-centre international cohort study of perioperative care and clinical outcomes for patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.

EuSOS Trial Paper - The Lancet



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