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Clinical Effectiveness Group

Data governance

Through CEG, patient data from the NHS North East London region provides the foundation for life-saving research, tools and initiatives with local, national and international impact.

CEG is a trusted broker of primary care data. We began as a grass roots initiative and, over the last 30 years, we have proven the value of our local GP practices sharing data with us. Practices have benefitted through vast improvements in quality and outcomes for their patients and through increased income as a result of meeting their indicators.

Information Governance policy

CEG is part of Queen Mary University of London and complies with its Information Governance policies: Queen Mary Information Governance.

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

CEG completes the NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit assessment each year and is fully compliant.

CEG conforms to all requirements of the information standards that underpin national healthcare initiatives from the Department of Health, NHS England, the Care Quality Commission and other national health organisations.

Clinical safety

CEG designs, builds, deploys and maintains the following tools for use in primary care:

  • In-practice software tools for atrial fibrillation, cancer diagnosis audit, childhood immunisations, renal health, and invitation and referral to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme. These display information from patient records to aid equitable practice;
  • Clinical templates, pop-up protocols and documents that make it easier to refer patients, follow procedures and code actions and conditions accurately;
  • Searches for use in EMIS and SystmOne clinical systems.

CEG has a Clinical Safety Report that sets out the risks and management of these tools: Clinical Safety Report for CEG Clinical Tools 2019 [PDF 250KB]. The tools we build do not replace the need for clinical judgement.

For more information: NHS Digital Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and use of Health IT systems.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

CEG is part of Queen Mary University of London and complies with its GDPR policies: QMUL GDPR

Before downloading CEG software tools, we request some personal information via request forms hosted on our website. The information includes name, email address, role, organisation name and organisation type. We do this to audit the numbers and types of organisations that use our tools, and so we can inform users if a serious error is identified with our tools.

Our governance policies are under constant review to ensure accuracy and compliance.

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