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Clinical Effectiveness Group

Ms Isabel Dostal, BSc (Hons). MSc.





I am a health data scientist at Queen Mary’s Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG), a multi-disciplinary research unit that uses primary care data from electronic health records to conduct research and build in-practice software to improve clinical practice. I work with clinical leads to create the backend and clinical system data extractions for CEG’s patient management tools such as the APL suites. I also do ad hoc work around various research projects, focused on specification creation, clinical data extraction across North and East London, and analysis of the findings. I have built and maintained dashboards that monitor the management of practice populations and informed healthcare commissioning across North East London. I have undertaken specific long term projects around the validation of the NHS Health Checks scheme in East London for the NHS. I am currently focused on making use of electronic health data recording and extraction in order to improve the health outcomes for underserved and deprived populations across London by uncovering and targeting areas of social inequality and clinical vulnerability.


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