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QM Centre for Creative Collaboration

Arts and Health

Arts Council England recently emphasised the ‘essential role that creativity and culture can play in the health and wellbeing of everyone, whatever their background and wherever they live.’ At Queen Mary, encounters between the arts, culture and health are an essential feature of our work.

Our MSC in Creative Arts and Mental Health, and the Centre of the Cell both combine arts and medicine in education programmes. Research projects use creative methods to work with young people and communities, such as Peoples Palace Projects Participatory Theatre for Psychosis and the CHILL project. uses creativity to work on links between asthma and air pollution in children. Our Youth Resilience Unit draws on creative approaches to discover the causes and treatment of mental distress in young people. 

Artists working at QM explore experiences of chronic illness and stroke recovery in their practice, while public health researchers investigate the role that creativity can play in knife crime prevention and draw on design principles to engage young people in the understanding of MS. Arts and creativity are an essential resource for health research and education at QM. Explore the links below to find out more.



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