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QM Centre for Creative Collaboration

Wednesday 5th June

School of the Weird and Wonderful

A school with classes based purely on interest and desire, a place to showcase new work, new collaborations and a whole bunch of exciting new performances.

Arts One
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road

10am-12pm Queer Flower Arranging with Ru Dannreuther

Come and discover the revolutionary power of flowers to lift your mood and be creative together with fellow flower lovers. In the workshop you will learn:

  • The basics of flower buying and conditioning your flowers for longer life (30 mins)
  • How to make a buttonhole wearable arrangement (30 mins) 
  • How to make and wrap a small hand tied bouquet (45 mins) 

Proud to be an independent queer-owned, Ru aka Rupert Dannreuther (he/they) is an up and coming punk florist who loves bold colours, unusual flowers and tiny bouquets. Their business 'Where Have All The Flowers Gone?’ is named after a poignant Marlene Dietrich cover of the legendary anti-war song and their flowers are inspired by divine divas of the past. Ru makes beautiful mini bouquets, wearable flowers and eye-catching displays in dazzling rainbow colours. Ru specialises in extraordinary, natural, and foraged (legally) cut flowers with a love of vintage pop culture.

10am-1pm Bad Drawing for Everybody

A drop in workshop on Bad Drawing, with Conor Moloney and Rachele Shamouni-Naghde.

This workshop invites you to reconnect with drawing, for as little as ten minutes of your time.

By inviting you to draw ‘badly’ (or not) we want to reassure you that even ‘bad’ drawings can be valuable. They can bring life to pages of notes, viscerally take us back to a specific time and place, and give visual structure to documents. More importantly, the act and process of drawing itself—even when the result is of questionable aesthetic merit—can help us attend more closely to what we are seeing and experiencing. This concentrated focus can enable us to notice more and notice better, and thereby make important discoveries. This workshop is a ‘taster’ of an eight-week drawing course for researchers, devised by Conor Moloney and run in collaboration with Rachele Shamouni-Naghde on behalf of the London Interdisciplinary Social Science (LISS) Doctoral Training Partnership.

10am -1pm  Nonviolence and de-escalation training with Resilient Voices

Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) training is the embodiment of activism. By empowering ourselves through knowledge, practice, and connection we learn to resist oppression. Integral to NVDA is de-escalation; techniques that channel anger within protest spaces, the communities we live in, and ourselves. This workshop is holistic and rooted in care; a healing process, embracing our collective strength allowing us to manage our trauma, pain, rage and guilt within a safe environment.

12pm-2pm Hip Hop Dance Workshop

Explore the history and basics of Hip Hop dance, with QMDC’s Polly Towers

An exciting opportunity to explore and celebrate the 50 years of HipHop culture and to learn the foundations and elements of the style of dance with some choreography from QMDC’s Intermediate Hiphop Captain Polly Towers. Suitable for beginners/all levels of dance ability, trainers are encouraged!

12:30pm-2pm Writing Performed Poetry Workshop

A chance to work on your writing, no matter your ability! With Marisol Rojas.

Whatever level you are in,  come to a workshop in writing performed poetry.

We’ll brainstorm, share stories, and start to build material together.

At the end of the session we will share some of our work!

1:30pm-3:30pm  Surrealism Collage Workshop with Eva Dunne

Discover the weird and wonderful world of Surrealism in this collage-making workshop! Expect to learn a range of collage techniques and the history of the craft. Be inspired by the principles of the Surrealist Movement and create your own Surrealist artwork using pages from vintage magazines and old books, transforming them into fantastical landscapes, otherworldly creatures, wonderful dreamscapes, or windows into strange realms. This workshop will be led by collage artist, Eva (@cutouteva).

3:30pm-4:45pm  Afrofuturism Workshop 

A creative workshop with Bimpe Adeyemi

An  exploration of Afrofuturism and its impact on cultural aesthetic, science fiction, history and fantasy. We will enact our reflection on possible futures.  

Bimpe is an artist, writer, facilitator, and producer. Her work centres on Afrofuturism, telling joyful Black stories and activism that envisions liberated futures for Black life.

4pm-6pm Script Reading: plays in progress

Join us for script-in-hand readings of work developed on the second year Playwriting module. Students will present their 20 minute short plays, featuring work by Maria Kasilova, Shadiye Balikdjioglu and Lily Stuart.

4:30pm-6:30pm  ‘Feeling Futures’ Installation

Feeling Futures will bring together a group of young people from Tower Hamlets with a Half Moon tutor and a range of PhD students, using drama as a tool to explore their feelings about life transitions, whether that be in respect to education, career, environment, ambitions or emotions. Over the four creative after school workshops, they will work towards a final performance for friends, family, teachers, and Queen Mary staff. We aim to reveal what is most important for young people when thinking about their futures and what support is or should be there, hoping to prompt positive change which they will be the voice for.

5pm-6:30pm Afrofuturism Screening

A series of films curated by Bimpe Adeyemi

An  exploration of  Afrofuturism and its impact on cultural aesthetic, science fiction, history and fantasy. We will enact our reflection on possible futures.  

Bimpe is an artist, writer, facilitator, and producer. Her work centres on Afrofuturism, telling joyful Black stories and activism that envisions liberated futures for Black life.

6:30pm - 8:30pm Connecting Flights

A platform of Student and Alumni Performances

You made your first flight, you’ve rushed through security, now it’s time to strap in and prepare for take off.  A night of celebration and connection as Queen Mary finalists prepare to leave the nest and alumni return to it for a night of short form performance curated and presented by Chiara Laferla and Polly Chedgzoy. 

Performances include:

Co-dependency by Tallulah Frendo 

​​Tallulah Frendo, a disabled performance artist who delves deep into the human experience, pushing boundaries and challenging perceptions. Engaging with materials such as paint to physically demonstrate the lasting effects of life with cerebral palsy and understand the variety of challenges that arise from being cared for.

A Funeral? For Shame!

by Viv Harris

Viv Harris conducts a funeral for shame and buries stigma. Following a traditional short crematorium service outline, Viv, who is a Humanist funeral celebrant, has created an interactive performance work that explores shame and stigma and how we can internalise as well as externalise bad judgement calls.

Duration: 20 min


becoming her  

by Ellee Ray

This project looks at a change. A transformation from skin to skin. Exploring complex femininity.

Spiders intertwine a tapestry of divine femininity. Beyond their eight-legged form lies a profound symbol of creation, nurturing, and empowerment. In the darkness, we find the raw power of intuition, creativity, and transformation. The spider spins the grandest webs and reaches out to the darkest corners of the universe and connects with what’s there. `

Ellee Ray is an artist exploring multimedia. She is currently a third-year drama student graduating this July. This is Ellee’s stop motion debut and is something she wishes to continue in the future. 

The Materiality of Memories

by Gabrielle Ashford

Memories are forever forged within the past. How is it that we can reconnect, reignite, retrace, and reflect? The possibilities of wondrous, magical moments are present. We just need to search and give ourselves up to do this.

Gabrielle Ashford is a performer who is fascinated by the unapologetically human. Her work uses movement and physicality to explore the relationship between sense of self and physical embodiment, revealing new truths about the intricacies of existence. 

Eat Her! 

by Tabby Ewing

Come on! Eat your best friend! You know you want to! You know she’d go great with butter! What could possibly go wrong?

TW: Cannibalism, Strong Language, Mentions of Sex

Tabby Ewing is a performance maker who likes theatre that is, in part, a bit silly. She is currently studying an MA at Guildhall School of Music and Drama and is attempting to pull off a hard hat. Tabby is not sure what else to add here, other than they are trying (and failing) to remember to take her multivitamins.

8.30pm City of Ladies

Join Polly and Morgan as they journey through the City of Ladies in a high-energy exploration of gender, joy and what we can learn from the past as we build the future, in a QM Drama alumni performance.

In 1405, writer Christine de Pizan imagined building a City of Ladies, a place to remember and celebrate the ladies of the past, a nurturing haven for the ladies of the future. 

It’s 2024 and Polly and Morgan are imagining the same thing, populating their city with ladies they admire - but what does it mean to be a lady? Who are they to decide? And does it require a special sort of hat? 

Join Polly and Morgan as they journey through the City of Ladies in a high-energy exploration of gender, joy and what we can learn from the past as we build the future.

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