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QM Centre for Creative Collaboration

International Exchange

People's Palace Projects led by Paul Heritage have a long history of international exhange within their work.  Here are some examples of previous projects of this nature and you can visit their website for more information.


Casa Rio opened its doors in October 2015 in a building that was once the city’s Theatre Museum, in the Botafogo district at the heart of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Curated by People's Palace Projects do Brasil on behalf of the Secretariat of State for Culture of Rio de Janeiro/FUNARJ, the artists' residency was designed as a multipurpose space dedicated to the development of art, culture and creativity. The venue offers a gallery and performance space and also provides co-working facilities for artists and cultural professionals. There are regular workshops, lectures, readings and screenings in a space that supports new communities to emerge and new collaborations to take root.

This evaluation report was written by Chrissie Tyler about XINGU VILLAGE, an immersive installation piloted at the Horniman Museum in December 2018. The installation provided unprecedented access to the Kuikuro, a community of around 800 people who live in the Xingu, a protected area which is home to 16 indigenous peoples. By combining digital content, captured using world-leading cultural conservation practices, with virtual and augmented reality tools, visitors were taken on a journey to Ipatse village, where they learned about the day to day life, environment and cultural practices of the Kuikuro.

The installation, the first of its kind, involved indigenous people directly in a process that both preserved and disseminated their social and cultural histories. Through use of non-contact technologies, the project has raised awareness of remote and fragile indigenous communities, whose way of life is beyond the reach of the general public, without putting them at risk.

This book was published by Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation to mark the inauguration of the facsimile of the restored cave of Kamukuwaká.

This book showcases part of the results from the Creative Lab which was curated by Batman Zavareze and Paul Heritage, and produced by Festival Multiplicidade and People’s Palace Projects in association with Creativeworks London, as part of the research project “Social Change through Creativity”, led by Morag Shiach. The programme was funded by the UK’s Arts & Humanities Research Council and Newton Fund and by in kind contributions from partners in Brazil. The final showcase of the selected projects took place at Oi Futuro Flamengo and Redes da Maré from 14-19 May 2016, with support from Agência de Redes para Juventude, Olabi, UNIRIO, UFRJ and CasaRio.


Scene Change was a cultural skills exchange project aimed at fostering creative learning between cultural institutions in the UK and Brazil via digital technology and international study visits, between 2014 and 2017.
Initiated in August 2014, it was the result of a collaboration between the British Council, Royal Opera House, High House Production Park and Creative & Cultural Skills in the UK, and Brazilian partners Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, FUNARTE, Spectaculu – Escola de Arte e Tecnologia and CIEP Alberto Pasqualini. Facilitated by People’s Palace Projects and part of British Council’s strategic Transform UK-Brazil programme, the project connected students and teachers in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) with Further Education technical colleges in Thurrock, Essex and the rest of the UK. By connecting with each other’s work and practices they developed a dialogue around technical skills practice.


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