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CHILL (Children’s Health in London and Luton)

COVID-19 Lockdown and Children's Physical Activity, 2023

Key Finding: Schools play a vital role in encouraging physical activity in children.


A graphical abstract summarising the participants, methods, key results and conclusions of the study.

Key statistics

Increase in Sedentary Activity: Children spent an additional 33.2 minutes per day in sedentary activity during the lockdown.

Impact on Children Unable to Attend School: Children who could not attend school in person during the lockdown, did 23% less physical activity per day*.

Impact on Children Able to Attend School: Children who could attend school in person during the lockdown, did only 0.7% less physical activity per day*.

*physical activity measured as activity within moderate and vigorous intensity levels.


During the UK lockdowns we posted activity monitors to children to wear for a week. These activity scores were then compared to activity scores collected at the start of the CHILL study before lockdowns.

The decline in physical activity during UK lockdowns was most pronounced in children who could not attend school in person, highlighting that school closures had the largest impact on reducing children's physical activity. Children who continued to attend school during the lockdown because their parents were classified as key workers did not experience significant changes in their activity levels.

The study underscores the critical role of schools in maintaining children's physical activity, particularly through structured routines and opportunities for movement during the school day. The findings suggest that the loss of in-person schooling was a major factor in the decrease in physical activity among children during the lockdown, which could have long-term health implications, especially for vulnerable groups. The research emphasizes the need for strategies to support children's physical activity during periods of school closure or other disruptions to their routine.

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Citation: Scales, J., Chavda, J., Ikeda, E., Tsocheva, I., Dove, R. E., Wood, H. E., Kalsi, H., Colligan, G., Griffiths, L., Day, B., Crichlow, C., Keighley, A., Fletcher, M., Newby, C., Tomini, F., Balkwill, F., Mihaylova, B., Grigg, J., Beevers, S., Eldridge, S., Sheikh, A., Gauderman, J., Kelly, F., Randhawa, G., Mudway, I. S., van Sluijs, E., and Griffiths, C. J. (2023). Device-Measured Change in Physical Activity in Primary School Children During the UK COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 20, 7, 639-647. DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0434.




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