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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Ms Thaís de Carvalho


PhD Candidate, UEA School of International Development, United Kingdom



My work is situated in the nexus of anthropology of development and human geography. I am interested in how child-centred development programmes affect childhood experiences and definitions of well-being in a rural Indigenous contexts of Amazonia. I am particularly interested in the impact of environmental and social policy changes on Indigenous children's lives. I hope my work can contribute to improve the cultural adequacy of child-sensitive social protection in Latin America.



Marcus, R. et al. (2022, forthcoming). Children on the move in Latin America and the Caribbean. London, Panama: ODI/UNICEF. [forthcoming]

de Carvalho, T. (2022). The use of ethnography for livelihoods research. In: Nunan, F. et al. he Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South. [forthcoming]

de Carvalho, T. (2021) White men and electric guns: Analysing the Amazonian dystopia through Shipibo-Konibo children’s drawings, Global Studies of Childhood, 11(1):40-53. doi:10.1177/2043610621995837


Child-sensitive social policy, neo-extractivism, child protection, Latin American development
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