Professor De Bondt is studied both law and criminology and is currently working in the field of children's rights, youth law and (European) criminal law. Having built a solid track record on international and European criminal law, she expanded her research field in 2015 to include youth delinquency and children's rights more in general.
She is affliated to the "Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy" and "Human Rights Centre" at Ghent University in Belgium. In addition thereto, she is a member of the Flemish Supervisory Body for Youth Institutions, visiting children deprived of their liberty on a monthly basis, and a member of the Flemish Expert Group on the re-organisation of child day care initiatives.
Vercruysse, L., & De Bondt, W. (2023). Brusselse jeugddelinquenten: Een andere taal, een ander regime. In Een eeuw territorialiteitsbeginsel in de Belgische taalwetgeving. in One century of territoriality in the Belgian language legislation: Its origins, evolution and future, Leuven (forth coming).
De Bondt, W., & Vercruysse, L. (2022). Procedural safeguards of children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings: Perceptions of children. Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency.
De Bondt, W. (2022). Ach kind, we bedoelen het goed : bekwame jongeren in een juridisch doolhof. In Vredeswijzer 3 (Vol. 3). Oud-Turnhout: Gompel&Svacina.
De Bondt, W., & Vercruysse, L. (2022). Kinderen uit de kampen: De repatriëring van IS-kinderen en hun opvolging binnen een Vlaamse Jeugdhulpcontext. In D. Coeckelbergh (Ed.), Vredeswijzer 3 (pp. 121–139). Antwerpen: Gompel&Svacina.
Audenaert, N., & De Bondt, W. (Eds.). (2021). Prosecuting and punishing multi-offenders in the EU. Oud-Turnhout: Gompel&Svacina.
De Bondt, W., & Vercruysse, L. (2021). Procedural safeguards of children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings: Perceptions of professionals. Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency.
De Bondt, W., & Lauwereys, H. (2020). Children’s rights and child participation in criminal proceedings. In R. Pereira, A. Engel, & S. Mietinen (Eds.), The governance of criminal justice in the European Union : transnationalism, localism and public participation in an evolving constitutional order (pp. 232–268). Edward Elgar.
Vermeulen, G., & De Bondt, W. (2020). Justice, home affairs and security : European and international institutional and policy development (3rd, revised edition ed.). Maklu.
De Bondt, W. (2019). De rechtspositie van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België : naar het stapsgewijs erkennen van bekwaamheid en het breder invullen van het overwegen van diens belang. In E. Desmet, J. Verhellen, & S. Bouckaert (Eds.), Rechten van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België (Vol. 18, pp. 131–157). Die Keure.
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