Dr Seran Demiral

Lecturer, Bogazici University and Bahcesehir University, Turkey
Email: serandemiral@gmail.com
Seran Demiral is an author of children’s literature and science fiction, as well as a philosophy with children/communities’ educator, from Istanbul, Turkey. After graduating with a degree in architecture, she pursued sociology and sought to incorporate social issues into her fiction writing. Conversely, she integrated her experiences with children into her academic work, particularly through her interests in arts-based activities and forum theatre, especially in research involving young people. Currently, as an Associate Professor of Sociology, her studies focus on the subjectivities of children and young people and their collective cultures, particularly in digital environments. She also teaches children's literature and participatory research at Boğaziçi University, in the Department of Primary Education, as well as for the Children’s Rights and Childhood Studies Master’s Program at Maria Grzegorzewska University.