Eriksson holds a PhD in Early Childhood Education and Care. Her research interests and teaching include Preschool in Public spaces, Children's productions of art in Public space, Transdisciplinary research methods, Feminist Theory, New Materialist Theories. In particular, Eriksson is interested in how Preschools can enable Children to partake in creating Democratic Public Spaces in the City.
Lenz Taguchi, H. & Eriksson, C (2021) Posthumanism/new materialism: the child, childhood and education. in Fairchild, N., Peters, L., Salazar Perez, M., Tesar, M. & Yelland, N. (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Global Childhood, Sage Eriksson, C. (2020). A preschool that brings children into public spaces [Elektronisk resurs] Onto-epistemological research methods of vocal strolls, metaphors, mappings and preschool displacements. Thesis. Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University.
Eriksson, C. (2019). The art of displacement – curating a preschool context in a public transport system. Children’s Geographies, 1–13.
Eriksson, C., & Sand, M. (2018). Belonging in transience: Vocal mapping for a commuting preschool practice. Emotion, Space and Society, 29, 1–8.
Eriksson, C., & Sand, M. (2017). Placing voice meetings through vocal strolls – Toddlers in resonance with public space. SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 7(2), 64–78.