Dr Louise Forde

Lecturer in Law, Brunel Law School, Brunel University London, United Kingdom
Email: louise.forde@brunel.ac.uk
Louise is a Lecturer in Law at Brunel Law School, and researches in the area of international children's rights law and youth justice, with a particular interest child participatory methods. Louise was an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Scholar at the School of Law in University College Cork, where she completed doctoral research entitled “’Welfare’ and ‘justice’ in Irish youth justice: A Children’s Rights Analysis of Diverse Approaches to Youth Justice”. Her work is particularly focused on research which can contribute positively to conversations around policy development, and she has collaborated with the Irish Department of Justice, Oberstown Children Detention School and the Policing Authority, as well as authoring reports for bodies such as Save the Children, the Irish Penal Reform Trust, and other governmental and non-governmental bodies. She contributed to the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty, as part of the team focusing on child participation. She was appointed to the editorial board of Youth Justice: An International Journal in 2019.