I am an Academic Visitor at Oxford University Law Faculty and a Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College. I am a Member of the Advisory Board, the Committee on Violence in the World of Work, and the Human Rights Consultants Pool of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey; Member of the Women’s Committee of the Research Council of Turkey; Representative of Turkey for the European Labour Law Network and the European Network of Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination; Member of the Istanbul Bar Association and the Ankara Bar Association’s Committee for Legal Aid for the Victims of Violence; Founding member and an Advisory Board member of the Women’s Studies Centre in Science, Engineering, and Technology of Istanbul Technical University; Member of the Executive Board of the Health and Safety Centre and the Executive and Advisory Boards of the Disability Centre of Hacettepe University. I am a holder of a plaque of honour from the Ankara Bar Association for my dedication to women's human rights.
My publications concerning children are:
- Bakirci, K/G.Ritchie, International and European Documents on Child and Young Workers and Modern Forms of Child Slavery, Unibook, USA, 2010.
- Bakirci, K. “Violence Against Children in the Workplace”, Guncel Hukuk Dergisi, Nisan 2008/ 4-52.
- Bakirci, K. “Violence and Violence Against Working Children”, Ankara Barosu Hukuk Kurultayi 7-11 Ocak 2008, Ankara.
- Bakirci, K. The Protection of the Rights of the Child and Young Employees in International, Regional and Turkish Law, Beta Yayini, Istanbul 2004.
- Bakirci, K. “Discrimination Against Child and Young Employees in Turkish Law”, in Cahit Talas Anisina Guncel Sosyal Politika Tartismalari (Yay.Haz.Berrin Ceylan Ataman), Ankara Universitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Yayin No.595, Ankara 2007.
- Bakirci, K. “Child Pornography and Prostitution- Is This Crime or Work That Should Be Regulated”, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol.14, Number 1, 2007.
- Bakirci, K. “Child Sexual Exploitation: Child Prostitution and Pornography”, Guncel Hukuk Dergisi, Ocak 2007/1.
- Bakirci, K. “Health and Safety of Child and Young Employees in International, European and Turkish Law”, TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi IV. Is Sagligi ve Guvenligi Kongresi 20-21 Nisan 2007 Adana, TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi Yayini, Adana 2007.
- Bakirci, K. “The Protection of Young Employees in Construction”, TMMOB Insaat Muhendisleri Odasi Ankara Subesi Is Sagligi ve Guvenligi Sempozyumu 5-6 Ekim 2007, Bildiriler Kitabi, TMMOB Insaat Muhendisleri Odasi Ankara Subesi Yayini, Ankara 2007.
- Bakirci, K. “Child and Young Workers in International, European and Turkish Law”, Istanbul Barosu Cocuk Iscilerin Dunu Bugunu Yarini Sempozyumu, Istanbul, 21-22 Nisan 2006, İstanbul Barosu Yayini, Istanbul 2006.
- Bakirci, K. “Final Declaration of the Symposium on Past, Present and Future of Child Employees”, Istanbul Barosu Cocuk Iscilerin Dunu Bugunu Yarini Sempozyumu, Istanbul, 21-22 Nisan 2006, İstanbul Barosu Yayini, Istanbul 2006.
- The Protection of the Rights of the Child and Young Employees (2000-2004) (A Research Project funded by the Istanbul Technical University).
- Bakirci, K. “Child Labour and Legislation in Turkey”, The International Journal of Children’s Rights, Volume 10, No.1, 2002.
Comparative labour rights, business, and human rights, human rights of women, children, disabled, migrants, and minorities, the impact of new technologies (such as digitalisation) on labour law, the future of work, non-discrimination, violence, and health and safety in the world of work, work-related whistleblowing, human trafficking, human smuggling, international migration, forced migration, forced labour, exploitation of domestic workers, women’s unpaid work, precarious work, modern forms of slavery, poverty, child, early, and forced marriage, access to justice.