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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Professor MJ Maynes


Professor, Department of History, University of Minnesota, United States



MJ Maynes is a Professor of History at the University of Minnesota. She is a historian of Modern Europe with interests in comparative and world history. Her research and teaching explore the social and cultural history of the family, gender and generational relations, class dynamics, and personal narratives. Her books include: Children and youth as subjects, objects, agents: innovative approaches to research across space and time, co-edited with Deborah Levison and Frances Vavrus (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021); The Family: A World History, co-authored with Ann Waltner (Oxford, 2012); Telling Stories: The Use of Personal Narratives in the Social Sciences and History, co-authored with Jennifer Pierce and Barbara Laslett (Cornell, 2008); and Secret Gardens, Satanic Mills: Placing Girls in European History, co-edited with Birgitte Søland and Christina Benninghaus (Indiana, 2004).

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