Dr Admark Moyo is a legal expert currently heading the Children and the Law Programme at the African Child Policy Forum where he leads the bulk of the organisation's efforts to work with regional bodies, governments and non-state actors in the field of children’s rights. He serves as an external expert to the African Committee of Experts' Working Group on Children with Disabilities and sits on the Board of the Pan African Child Led Organisation (PACLO), an initiative supported by Save the Children. He has extensive experience in producing high quality research on legal and policy matters affecting children across the African continent. Dr Moyo has published numerous papers on various thematic issues in children’s rights. Published in reputable law journals, his research has been cited with approval by top courts and leading authorities in various countries across the region, particularly in Southern Africa. Over the years, Dr Moyo has offered advisory services to CSOs, governments and UN agencies as a board member or as part of teams offering consultancy services on the rule of law, governance and children’s rights. In addition, Dr Moyo has been teaching children’s rights and supervising Masters and Doctoral candidates on the same subject for more than seven years. In the process, he has assisted Universities in producing students who are adequately equipped to respond to enduring and emerging challenges confronting children such as the climate crisis, armed conflict, poverty and economic inequality, violence in all its forms, involuntary migration and internal displacement and many others.
A Moyo and H Duncan, ‘Measuring the child friendliness of the Zimbabwean child justice system’ (2021) De Jure (Submitted for Review).
R Fambasayi and A Moyo ‘The best interests of the child in the context of detention as a last resort: A comparative analysis of legal developments in South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe’ (2020) 1 South African Journal on Human Rights 1-24.
A Moyo, ‘Parental Responsibility and Medical Decision-Making in Southern Africa: A comparative analysis of South Africa and Botswana’ in In Goold, J Herring and C Auckland (eds) Parental decision-making and child medical care, Hart Publishing (2020) 211-232.
A Moyo ‘The legal status of children’s rights in Zimbabwe’ in A Moyo (ed) Selected aspects of the Zimbabwean Constitution and the Declaration of Rights (2019) 126-162.
A Moyo ‘Standing, access to justice and the rule of law in Zimbabwe’ (2019) 18(1) African Human Rights Law Journal 266-292.
A Moyo, Report on Violence Against Children in the SADC Region: South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Zimbabwe, UNICEF and Africa University (2019).
A Moyo ‘Revisiting minors’ reproductive autonomy rights under South African law: The rights and wrongs of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act’ (2018) 33(1) Southern African Public Law 1-42.
A Moyo ‘Child participation rights under South African law: Beyond the Convention on the Rights of the Child?’ (2015) 31(1) South African Journal on Human Rights 173-84, Paper First Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Children and Youth in Changing Societies, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-4 Dec 2010.
A Moyo and G Manyatera ‘International and domestic perspectives on disability and education: Children with disabilities and the right to education in rural Zimbabwe’ (2014) 1 Midlands State University Law Review 103-35; Paper first presented at a Workshop on Children with Disabilities and the right to education at Green Diamond Lodge, Gokwe, Zimbabwe, 11 May 2012.
A Moyo ‘Balancing the best interests of the child and the interests of society when sentencing youth offenders and primary caregivers in South Africa’ (2013) 29(2) South African Journal on Human Rights 314-350, Paper First Presented at the Emerging Researchers Breakaway, Mont Fleur, Stellenbosch, 13-15 June 2011.
A Moyo ‘Reconceptualising the “paramountcy principle”: Beyond the individualistic construction of the best interests of the Child’ (2012) 12(1) African Human Rights Law Journal, 142-177, Paper First Presented at the Emerging Researchers Breakaway, Mont Fleur, Stellenbosch, 13-15 June 2011.
A Moyo ‘Youth, competence and punishment: Reflections on South Africa’s minimum sentencing regime for youth offenders’ (2011) 26(1) SA Public Law 229-255.