Robert is Research Lead at CELCIS, where he works with colleagues to conduct researc hto improve the lives of children and young people with care experience. With a background in Psychology and Law, he has an interest in how children and young people interact with and are affected by legal and formal decision making processes. His current research interests include the children's hearing system, the use of voluntary care arrangements, and the provision of continuing care. and Robert also conducts some administrative data research within ADR-Scotland.
Porter, R. B., Welch, V., & Mitchell, F. (2019). Adversarialism in informal, collaborative, and ‘soft’ inquisitorial settings: Lawyer roles in child welfare legal environments. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 0(0), 1–20.
Porter, R. B. (2020). Recording of Children and Young People’s Views in Contact Decision-Making. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(6), 1796–1815.
Giraldi, M. (2021). Quality is everyone’s responsibility: Applying implementation science to residential child care. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 20(2), 25.
Porter, R. B., Gillon, F., Mitchell, F., Vaswani, N., & Young, E. (2021). Children’s Rights in Children’s Hearings: The Impact of covid-19. The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 29(2), 426–446.
Giraldi, M., Mitchell, F., Porter, R. B., Reed, D., Jans, V., McIver, L., Manole, M., & McTier, A. (2022). Residential care as an alternative care option: A review of literature within a global context. Child & Family Social Work, cfs.12929.