Dr Kael Reid
Postdoctoral Fellow, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, Canada
Email: katereid@yorku.ca
Kael Reid is a Postdoctoral Fellow and instructor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada. They teach in Children Childhood and Youth Studies and work on two arts-based research projects with newcomer and refugee young people. These projects examine how community music programs, songwriting, recording, performance, and other creative activities enable newcomer and refugee youth to develop and extend their expressive skills, build connections and collaborative networks, and experience personal empowerment and wellbeing. As part of this research, Kael uses an innovative, participatory method they developed called, “collaborative ethnographic songwriting.” A robust method for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating research data through music, collaborative ethnographic songwriting supports equity-seeking people to compose, record, and document their stories in song.