I am committed to pursuing a practice of public anthropology: socially relevant, theoretically informed, and politically engaged ethnographic scholarship that is accessible to research participants, and for audiences outside the academy. Interdisciplinary and non-academic collaborations are central to this endeavour.
Rumsby, C. and Thomas, B (2022): The Waters of Death and Life: Ethno-Graphic Collaborations. TRAJECTORIA. 3. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. DOI: 10.51002/trajectoria_022_0000.2
Rumsby, C. (2022): ‘Children’s Experience and Practice of Belonging: the realities of integration among de facto stateless Vietnamese children in Cambodia’. Positions: Asia Critique. 30: 2. DOI: 10.1215/10679847-9573370.
Rumsby, C. (2022): Graphic Anthropology: tuning into melody. Cultural Anthropology
Rumsby, C. (2020) ‘Informal Christian education and emerging aspirations among de facto stateless children living in Cambodia’. European Journal of Development Research. 33(1): 89- 108. DOI: 10.1057/s41287-020-00303-x.
Rumsby, C. (2020) ‘Retrospective (re)presentation: turning the written ethnographic text into an ‘ethno-graphic’. Entanglements Journal. Autumn issue (3.3): 7-27.