The Childhood, Law, and Policy Network (CLPN) has nearly 600 members across dozens of countries all over the world. Our members are researchers working on various social, political, and legal issues relating to children and childhood.

Dr Mohd Al Adib bin Samuri
Associate Professor, faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Professor Leonardo Lemos de Souza
Associate Professor, Department of Social Psychology, State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP), Brazil

Ms Aurora Terjesdatter Sørsveen
PhD candidate, Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU, Norway

Dr Eren Sözüer
Researcher and Lecturer, Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Turkey

Dr Hiroharu Saito
Associate Professor of Law and Society, the University of Tokyo, Japan

Professor Rosemary Salomone
Kenneth Wang Professor of Law, St. John's University School of Law, United States
Mr Roberto S. Salva
PhD candidate, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University, United States

Dr Irene Salvo Agoglia
Associate Professor, Alberto Hurtado University (Chile) / Researcher AFIN Research Group, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Professor Helena Sandberg
Professor, Department of Communication and Media, Lund University, Sweden
Dr Alice Sophie Sarcinelli
Assistant professor, Université Paris Cité, Cerlis, France

Ms Pavithra Sarma
PhD student, Moray House school of Education and Sport (MHSES), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Dr Bernadette Saunders
Associate Professor and Head, Social Work, Victoria University, Australia

Mr Joseph Savirimuthu
Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Dr Nina Schneider
Research Group Leader, Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Center for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Professor Christopher M. Schulte
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Endowed Professor of Art Education, University of Arkansas, United States

Ms Kathryn Schumaker
Associate Professor of History, University of Oklahoma, United States
Dr Nicoletta Sciarrino
Research Fellow, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Italy

Mr Billy Seagrim
Senior Lecturer, Swansea University; Barrister, 9 Park Place Chambers, United Kingdom

Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian
Professor and Global Chair in Law- Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom + Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Dr Rituraj Sharma
Assistant Professor of Sociology (Visiting Faculty), University of Delhi, India

Dr Liam Shields
Senior Lecturer in Political Theory, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Dr Hafiz Muhammad Siddique
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Shariah & Law, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan

Dr Jennifer Silcox
Assistant Professor, Department of Childhood and Youth Studies, King’s University College at Western University, Canada

Dr Jordana Silverstein
Senior Research Fellow, Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr Hanna Sjögren
Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of Childhood, Education, Society, Malmö University, Sweden
Professor Marit Skivenes
Professor of Political Science, Department of Government, University of Bergen, Norway

Professor Morten Skovdal
Professor, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr Simon Sleight
Reader in Urban History, Historical Youth Cultures and Australian History, King's College London, United Kingdom
Dr Catherine Sloan
Porter Fellow for Academic Skills, Hertford College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Professor Melody Smith
Co-associate Head (Research), School of Nursing, the University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr Anne-Marie Smith
Senior Lecturer, Early Childhood and Education Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom

Professor Hannah Smithson
Professor of Criminology and Youth Justice, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Dr Anna Sonander
Senior Lecturer, Sociology of Law Department, Lund University, Sweden

Miss Deanne Sowter
PhD Candidate and Vanier Scholar, Osgoode Hall Law School, Canada

Dr Julie Spray
Research Fellow, University of Auckland, New Zealand; incoming lecturer in Children's Studies at National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) June 2022, Ireland

Professor Spyros Spyrou
Professor of Anthropology, European University Cyprus, Cyprus

Dr Jo Staines
Associate Professor, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Professor Helen Stalford
Professor of Law, School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dr Eleanor Staples
Lecturer, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Professor Casey Stockstill
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College, United States

Dr Julian Storck-Odabasi
Research Associate, the Institute of Education Studies, the University of Hildesheim, Germany

Dr Sujatha Subramanian
Lecturer, Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University, United States

Professor Judith Suissa
Professor Emerita of Philosophy of Education, UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom

Professor Kate Swanson
Professor and Canada Research Chair in International Peace, Security and Children, Dalhousie University, Canada
Professor Nicholas L. Syrett
Associate Dean and Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Kansas, United States