Ursin is Professor in Childhood Studies at the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, NTNU. She does qualitative research with children, youth and families, primarily in Norway and Brazil. Her interests are children's rights and young citizenship, diverse forms of child and youth migration, and marginalization processes in childhood and youth. She has conducted a longitudinal study on the street in urban Brazil, following a group of boys on the verge of adulthood. In recent years, Ursin has devoted her research time to exploring children’s rights in the social welfare system as well as young people’s political rights in Norway. Ursin teaches children's rights on BA to PhD level and is editor-in-chief of the Nordic journal BARN.
Ursin, Langfeldt & Lyså (2022) Relational rights and interdependent well-being: Exploring the experience of an ethnic minority girl with the Norwegian Child Welfare service. Global Studies of Childhood, 12(1):27-39.
Ie, Vicente & Ursin (2022) A scoping review of foster children’s conceptualisation of ‘family’. Children and Youth Services Review.
Ursin, Lorgen, Alvarado, Smalsundmo, Nordgår, Bern & Bjørnevik (2021) Promoting intergenerational justice through participatory practices: The case of climate workshops as an arena for young people’s political participation. Frontiers of psychology.
Sørsveen & Ursin (2021) Constructions of ‘the Ageless’ Asylum Seekers: An Analysis of how Age is understood Among Professionals Working within the Norwegian Immigration Authorities. Children & Society, 35(2): 198-212.
Lorgen & Ursin (2020) A children’s election—Dilemmas of children’s political participation. Children & Society, 35(3): 333-347.
Ursin (2020) Militarized childhoods and childhood experiences in a Brazilian favela. Childhood, 27(3): 325-339.
Ursin & Skaalevik (2018) Volunteer tourism in Cambodian residential care facilities – a child rights based approach. International Journal of Children’s Rights, 26(4): 808-836.
Ursin (2018) Freedom, mobility and marginality – an interdisciplinary study of the historical roots of contemporary street youth in urban Brazil. Journal of Youth Studies, 21(1): 72-89.
Ursin (2017) ‘When the Sun Rises I’m Able to Sleep’ – A study of the ambiguities of public sleep among young Brazilians on the street. Journal of anthropological research, 73(3): 355-380.
Ursin, Oltedal & Muñoz (2017) Recognising the ‘big things’ and the ‘little things’ in child protection cases in Chile and Mexico. Child and Family Social Work, 22(2): 932-41.