Marijke's current research is concerned with rendering the asylum procedure visible by providing insight into how asylum procedures with children/young adults are conducted in practice. Within a multi-actor approach, she interviewed legal guardians and Protection officers on the matter. She is also interested in the experiences of young asylum seekers subjected to these procedures and the children’s rights accorded to them; In her doctoral research, she embedded co-creative filmmaking in an ethnography of young newcomers in Brussels. This led to the production of the short documentary Paper Borders. Marijke is especially interested in epistemological questions about the presence of voice and how vulnerable groups are heard in criminological research.
Papadopoulos, I., Van Buggenhout, M. (2019). On researching children’s rights, asylum processes and the criminalization of illegal entry: Methodological pecularities and rights-based research methods in immigration studies. At the Immigration, crime and citizenship in troubled times: European Society of Criminology Working group in Immigration, Crime and Citizenship Conference 2019 Malaga, Spain.
Van Buggenhout, M. C., & Papadopoulos, I. (2020). Giving voice to migrant children during reception and asylum procedures. Illustrations on the implementation of Art. 12 CRC in Greece and Belgium. Revista española de investigación criminológica, 18, 1-23.
Van Buggenhout, M. C. (2020). Street Child Spaces: belonging, conflict and resistance in the city of Durban through the eyes of street youth. Children's Geographies, 18(1), 96-109. (this is a methodological publication on the use of visual research with young people in a vulnerable situation, relating very well to the theme of the phd project)
Van Buggenhout, M. (2020). The asylum interview as ultimate test. Children’s oral testimony as a cornerstone in the status determination process at the Promoting Child-Friendly Justice for Child Migrants in the EU – final event of the Child-Friendly Justice in Action project.
Van Buggenhout, M. C., Fadil, N., & Dumortier, E. (2021). Belgian Children in Syria Should Not Pay for the Sins of Their Parents. In Migration, Equality & Racism - 44 opinions (pp. 244-246). Brussels: VUBPRESS.
Bougrine, J., & Van Buggenhout, M. C. (2021). Visual Methodologies in Research with Children. In C. Tomás, G. Trevisan, M. João Leote de Carvalho, & N. Fernandes (Eds.), Key concepts on Sociology of Childhood: Global perspectives (pp. 345-352). UMinho Editora.
Fadil, N., Van Buggenhout, M. C., & Dumortier, E. (2022). Virtual innocence. On the status of the children of European departees in northeast Syria. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Van Buggenhout M. (2022). Hoofdstuk 10: ‘Through the eyes of street youth’: een illustratie van photovoice in onderzoek. In L. Breuls & J. Bougrine (Eds.) Kwalitatief onderzoek voeren in de praktijk. Tips&Tricks voor criminologen en andere sociale wetenschappers (pp.243-256). Brussels: ASP. (In print)
Van Buggenhout M. (2022). On being voiced. Over gehoord worden als minderjarige in de Belgische asielprocedure. In K. Verfaillie (Ed.), Nieuwe uitdagingen, nieuwe perspectieven? Over het belang van theorie in een snel veranderende wereld. Turnhout: Gompel&Svacina. (In print)
Van Buggenhout M., Dumortier E. (2022). Child performance in the hearing room. A critical (empirical) children’s rights perspective on asylum hearing procedures with children. At the Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2022 Malaga, Spain.
Van Buggenhout M. (2022). ”Paper borders” a collaborative documentary by young newcomers in Belgium. At the Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2022 Malaga, Spain.